Monday, February 26, 2007
Un cas d'inceste devant les tribunaux en Allemagne
"We want the law which makes incest a crime to be abolished," said Mr Stübing - who faces the prospect of another jail term for continuing his relationship with his sister. "We do not feel guilty about what has happened between us," both added in a joint statement.
"We are dealing with a piece of legislation which dates back to the last century and which no longer makes any sense," said Jerzy Montag, a spokesman for Germany's Green party.
They went on to have four children. All but one of them have been placed in care and two are mentally damaged as a result of inbreeding. In 2002, Mr Stübing was given a one-year suspended sentence after being found guilty on 16 counts of "illegal coitus" with his sister.
Mr Stübing, an unemployed mechanic, was released from jail last year and is still living with his sister. Although he has had himself sterilised to avoid fathering more children, he could be sent back to jail at any time for persistently reoffending.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
George Dvorsky - Islamic fascism
Many people have the idea that fascism is the monopoly of white supremacist types. This is not the case. At its core, fascism describes the rise of a self-identified group that has grossly exaggerated its historical and societal significance. This self-identity, which typically manifests as a sense of superiority or shared destiny, can encompass anything from race, nationhood, religion, and a shared cultural heritage.
Al-Qaeda, for example, is a paramilitary organization with the stated task of reducing the outside influence of Islamic affairs. This is very much an example of cultural xenophobia and an overstated sense of social mission. Like the fascists of 20th century Europe who feared the specter of Bolshevik globalization, many Muslims today fear the encroachment of American and Jewish values. The result is a far-right, exclusionary, militaristic, and hyper-sensitive counter-reaction in the form of fascism. (j'ajoute aussi a ce sujet l'anti americanisme ambiant qui est tout de même prohiminent dans nos medias nationaux et qui peut aussi devenir problématique si on reste dans la même problématique).
Indeed, democracy, due process and other elements of social justice as we know it in liberal democracies are absent in countries like Iran and the former Taliban Afghanistan. The goal of these theocracies is to embed religious ideology across the land and to maintain a monopoly on all ideas and institutions; radical Islam, like any totalitarian ideology, is enforced as the alpha and omega of personal existence (the state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior). In this sense the revolution that is Islamic totalitarianism is comparable to the Stalinization of the Soviet Union and the work of the Nazis in 1930’s Germany. The Soviets tried to create a worker's utopia and the New Man, while the Nazis worked to ensure racial purity and create a 1,000 year Reich; Islamic fundamentalists want to create a heaven on earth – a phenomenon comparable to the quasi-totalitarian and theocratic efforts of the Calvinists in 16th century Geneva.
Ring sur youtube
In 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
repost 3 times to be saved
Même en supprimant les chains mails ont tombe sur des conneries du même genre.
George Dvorsky - le Menace des bloggers
It's generally felt that, with the meteoric rise of the Internet and with the information and communication revolutions still in full swing, the threat of networked groups and individuals to spread disinfo and to engage in widescale social engineering campaigns has never been greater. One could imagine a fleet of blogs calling for people to rise up over an issue like runaway global warming.
Consequently, that the Homeland Security Department considers bloggers a potential threat really shouldn't come as a complete surprise; the military would likely shut down threatening and subversive blogs during times of war or civil unrest. (voir par exemple les blogs de soldats en Irak qui documentaient la guerre sur le terrain et qui se sont vu fermé car ils propageaient une vision différente de la vision officiel).
Freedom of speech is a peacetime luxury.
At the same time, however, I have to think that the real impact bloggers could conceivably have is over-stated. I don't think memes work in such a pervasive way, particularly not today in the age of diversified media. If blogs could actually cause people to riot, for example, it's not because the blogs are telling them to do so, but because there's a genuine reason for doing so. (conclusion : les blogs sont un symptome d'un besoin d'information et non à l'origine d'un phénomène, ils ne font que le colporter).
John Fante - Romancier
Recurring themes in Fante's work are poverty, Catholicism, family life, Italian-American identity, sports, and the writing life. Anyone interested in the literature of Los Angeles would do well reading "Ask the Dust," as it has been referred to over the years as a monumental Southern California/Los Angeles novel by a host of reputable sources (e.g.: Carey McWilliams, Charles Bukowski, and The Los Angeles Times Book Review)
Georges Dvorsky - Nier l'holocauste et nier le rechauffement de la planète
And just last week a dispute erupted in Oregon, where Gov. Ted Kulongoski has considered firing the state's climatologist George Taylor, who has said human activity isn't the chief cause of global climate change. "It seems if scientists don't express the views of the political establishment, they will be threatened and that is a discomforting thought," said Alabama state climatologist John Christie, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Indeed, the notion that certain lines of scientific inquiry be prohibited is unacceptable and runs against the spirit of academic due diligence. Part of the problem here is that bona fide research is often conflated with the malevolent work of the denial industry; there is a growing network of fake citizens' groups, extremists, and bogus scientific bodies who are claiming that the science of global warming is inconclusive. These groups, to no one's surprise, are the sorry spawn of corporations who have the most to lose in the struggle against greenhouse gas emissions. Exxon is one company that certainly comes to mind.
The war against climate change is at risk of becoming a new religion where 'climate contrarians' have been pegged as the new blasphemers. At its extreme, global warming skeptics may be at risk of being accused of crimes against humanity.
Les limites des reportages sur le 11 Septembre
(une inscription est necessaire pour consulter l'intégralité de l'article)
Possibly the most prolific conspiracy filmmaker is radio talk show host Alex Jones. Something of an expert in the production of underground videos, Jones is famous for making Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000), in which he sneaks into the Bohemian Grove compound in Northern California in order to expose what he believes are the secret occult rituals practised by world leaders and top business executives. (cf. Conspiration des Illuminatis)
Jones’s recent films almost fall beyond the scope of conspiracy theory, and his analyses of the constitutional ramifications of the Patriot Act are incredibly thorough; however he often becomes immersed in notions of global government, the role of the Skull and Bones Society in American politics, and secret Nazi links.
89 per cent of respondents to a 2004 CNN Poll believed that the US government was covering up information regarding 9/11, yet their concerns are only rarely reflected in the mainstream media, and demands that investigations be opened and evidence released are ignored.
Subsequent events, such as the flooding of New Orleans, have revealed a government that lacked the organisational skills to evacuate a few hundred people from a sports stadium, despite the press repeatedly demanding action; it seems unlikely that this same government could organise 9/11. Moreover, an event like 9/11 would have needed numerous conspirators and co-conspirators to make sure that it would work according to plan. With such a large number of people involved, surely somebody would eventually, even accidentally, spill the beans.
the Onion - Restriction on child's imagination
Although no cure has yet been developed for childhood imagination, preventative measures can deter children from potentially hazardous bouts of make-believe.
"Many of the suggestions are really quite simple, like breaking down cardboard boxes or sewing cushions to couches so they cannot be converted into forts or playhouses," McMillan said. "Blank pieces of paper, which can inspire non-reality-based drawings, should be discarded unless they are used in one of our recommended diagonal folding and unfolding activities. And all loose sticks left lying in the yard should be carefully labeled 'Not a Sword.'"
Ceci est bien sur extrait d'un site parodique.Monday, February 19, 2007
Takashi Miike - Citation
"Le film est dangereux, mais moins que d'être un être humain".
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sebastian Brant - Theologien
Sebastian Brant
50 brilliant mind forecast
Michael Gazzaniga
Does our species have a moral compass? Do we mostly get along because we enjoy common reactions to similar challenges? Can we truly understand how we understand others, their intentions, desires and beliefs? Understanding these issues is what is coming down the pike.
Robert May
The significant breakthrough we really need is better understanding of human institutions, particularly of the impediments to collective, cooperative activity in which all individuals pay small costs to reap large group benefits. Darwin recognised the evolution of cooperative behaviour as one of the most important unsolved problems of his day
Helen Heber Katz
Advances in heart regeneration are around the corner, digits will be regrown within five to ten years, and limb regeneration will occur a few years later. Central nervous system repair will occur first with the retina and optic nerve and later with the spinal cord. Within 50 years whole-body replacement will be routine.
Stephen Wolfram
I expect the children of 50 years from now will learn cellular automata before they learn algebra.
Timothy Gowers
However, one of the great gaps in our knowledge is that nobody knows how to show that searching for solutions really is harder than checking that the solutions are correct. This is the P = NP problem.
Therefore, if we found a solution to the P = NP problem it would profoundly affect our understanding of mathematics, and would rank alongside the famous undecidability results of Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing.
Igor Aleksander
The notion that information has a physical basis, like the wind, is itself less than 50 years old. Those involved in the rapid development of computation now have the power to understand the brain-machine in a way that was not possible through classical sciences. They are beginning to formalise the many elements of what we call consciousness.
Michael Benton
Well, until we have a near-complete tree of life, it is hard to understand large-scale patterns such as rates of evolution, mass extinctions and diversifications. It would be nice to know for sure whether the diversifications of flowering plants and of social insects are linked, whether the demise of the dinosaurs really opened the world to mammals, when and how life moved onto land, whether the Cambrian explosion was a real event, and when and how the major increases in biological complexity were achieved. We might even find out what lies at the very root of the tree.
Frank Wilczek
The sun rains about 10,000 times as much energy onto Earth as we now use. We'll learn how to capture at least a thousandth of that energy, thus vastly increasing the world's wealth.
Geoffrey Miller
Thus, science will kill religion - not by reason challenging faith, but by offering a more practical, universal and rewarding moral framework for human interaction.
Elizabeth Loftus
I've spent three decades learning how to alter people's memories. I've even gone so far as planting entirely false memories into the minds of ordinary people - memories such as being lost in a shopping mall, cutting your hand on broken glass or even witnessing demonic possession as a child, all planted through the power of suggestion.
In 2048, a descendant of George Orwell will write 2084, a book about a totalitarian society in need of control. When we have mastered the false memory recipes, we will need to worry about who controls them. What brakes should be imposed on police, lawyers, advertisers? More than ever, we'll need to constantly keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing.
Terry Sejnowski
To understand how the brain creates consciousness we must first understand unconscious processing, which does most of the heavy lifting for us. I suspect that when we start to make progress with this the problem of consciousness will, like the Cheshire cat, disappear, leaving only a smile in the air.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Gouvernement des Etats Unis - Quelques chiffres
-- Preventing and Combating Terrorism: $227 million
-- Preventing Violent Crime: $214 million
-- Drugs and Border Security: $89 million
-- Crimes Against Children and Obscenity: $25 million
-- Judicial System Support and Incarceration: $152 million
-- Enforcing Federal Laws in the Courts: $33 million
-- Management and Information Technology: $75 million
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Ask Earache
Réponses :
I thought with mentioning Killswitch as an influence,that maybe there would be some melodic vocals, but none materialised so i was kinda bummed on that one-maybe try some melodic chorus passages?
Et on se demande pourquoi le metalcore est aussi présent ...
You were right to send me the link to your myspace page- its the hands down BEST online way to cultivate a fanbase and so, get a career going.I see you have 9000 profile views, thats about typical for up n coming bands like yourselves..however, labels like us get really excited to see 100,000+ profile views, so you have 91,000 more to go.
Et on se demande pourquoi Job for a Cowboy a été signé ...
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
"Honoo no Yoko" (Flaming Yoko)
Then came the climax of her stage performance, the routine from she got the stage name "Flaming Yoko": She would inject a quantity of alcohol into her vagina, part her thighs and spurt the liquid towards a waiting flame.
As a safety measure to spare those in the first row of seats from singed eyebrows and possible first-degree burns, Yoko would request customers to lean back away from the stage. "This is being done in complete defiance of fire regulations," she would warn them in a verbal disclaimer.
The great ball of fire at the climax of her performance was the source of considerable anticipation, and excited male fans often got into the act, counting down "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" and then, in unison shouting "Fire!" as she let fly, causing an impressively large fireball to burst forth in mid-air.
Ceci n'est pas un extrait d'un roman mais le recit de la performance réelle d'un strip teaseuse japonaise. La performance physique en elle même est impressionante mais ce qui m'impressionne le plus est le fait que des gens suivent et viennent voir, et participent même, a ce genre de spectacle dans le cadre d'un strip tease. Mise a part le coté spectaculaire, je ne vois pas quel genre d'excitation une performance de ce type peut provoquer.Keisuke Kichi - Artiste / Sculpteur japonais
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Une meilleur perspective des planètes de notre système solaire
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Plutocracy - Definition
A plutocracy is a form of government where the state's power is centralized in an affluent social class. The degree of economic inequality is high while the level of social mobility is low. This can apply to a multitude of government systems, as the key elements of plutocracy transcend and often occur concurrently with the features of those systems. The word plutocracy itself is derived from the ancient Greek root ploutos, meaning wealth and kratein, meaning to rule or to govern.
Kezanti - Sculpteur de vie
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Thou Shall not be Gay (part 2)
Et bien voilà une deuxième dose :
Donnie Davies - God hates a fag (la video)
Et son site officiel aussi !
En gros, Donnie serait un "homosexuel réformé" qui aurait découvert son homosexualité au lycée et aurait vaincu ses "désirs impures" grace à Dieu. Et donc maintenant, il le sait : God Hates a Fag ! (trad : Dieu hait les pédés).