Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Jenkem - Une nouvelle drogue ... particulière
They are manufacturing "Jenkem", a disgusting, noxious mixture made from fermented sewage. It is cheap, potent and very popular among the thousands of street-children in Lusaka. When they cannot afford glue or are too scared to steal petrol, these youngsters turn to Jenkem as a way of getting high.
"It lasts about an hour", says one user, 16-year-old Luke Mpande, who prefers Jenkem to other substances.
"With glue, I just hear voices in my head. But with Jenkem, I see visions. I see my mother who is dead and I forget about the problems in my life."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
the Invisibles - Spank the monkey
Une chronique de la série. Inclu, pour ceux qui ne connaitrait pas encore, l'anecdote fameuse du rituel demandé aux lecteurs de la série par Grant Morrisson.
La vie d'un garçon employé comme mascotte par les nazis
In newsreels, he was paraded as 'the Reich's youngest Nazi' and he witnessed some unspeakable atrocities.
But his SS masters never discovered the most essential detail about his life: their little Nazi mascot was Jewish.
"They didn't know that I was a Jewish boy who had escaped a Nazi death squad. They thought I was a Russian orphan."
Young Alex saw action on the Russian front, and was even used by the SS to lure Jewish people to their deaths.Outside the cattle trains which carried victims to the concentration camps, he handed out chocolate bars to tempt them in.
Wet artificial life - Wikipedia
Wet artificial life or wet alife refers to research efforts to safely synthesize self-sustaining new cellular life forms from abiotic components such as pure chemical substances. The name derives from the assumption that liquids are required for the new cells to be viable. This research involved experiments with chemical substrates in water. If such a research goal were accomplished, it would be comparable to the synthesis of urea in 1828, which discredited the concept of vitalism. As of 2007, some scientists were optimistic that a genuine fulfillment of that goal is achievable within the coming decade while other experts in the field, such as Francis Collins are pessimistic about that timeframe.
In biology, Abiotic components are non-living chemical and physical factors in the environment. These may be classified as light, temperature, water, atmospheric gases, and wind as well as soil (edaphic) and physiographic (nature of land surface) factors.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Warren Ellis @ 2006
Years of scars, lipstick and tears, and every day the dawn comes on we turn our eyes up in surprise, saying, "There's that goddamn sun again."
Thursday, August 16, 2007
La contrepartie de la pillule miracle enerve les pro lifes
It sounds like a dream ticket for women: a safer contraceptive pill that also treats a range of health problems. But the drug's development is being delayed because in high doses, it is the abortion pill reviled by the anti-abortion lobby and the government of George Bush, says David Baird, a reproductive endocrinologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, speaking on Monday at a press briefing in London. "Lack of investment in these compounds for use in conditions other than contraception has stemmed from the Bush administration and its policies," he says.
In high doses, progesterone receptor moderators (PRMs) like mifepristone (RU-486) terminate an early pregnancy by halting development of the placenta. In much smaller doses, they could combat endometriosis, fibroids and even brain cancers, because they block the action of the hormone progesterone.
PRMs given as contraceptives would also stop periods altogether - dramatically cutting monthly exposure to oestrogen and progesterone, hormones also linked with breast cancer.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Neige - Interview
Neige, musicien français de black metal, joue dans Amesoeurs, Peste Noire et Alcest.
Playing in such different projects gives me the opportunity to explore different sides of my personality and of my tastes. I am not someone close-minded; I can appreciate many sorts of music and artistic processes. My purpose is to get to the bottom of things. I wish to push the opposites of my personality in order to develop them until their very end; it really raises the spirit and helps me to understand myself better.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Des groupes de soutiens pour anorexique
The popularity of social networking websites has opened up a whole new world of interaction, but with it, darker trends are emerging. Groups which appear to extol grave eating disorders as a glamorous lifestyle choice are appearing on sites which claim tens of millions of active users.
Members of such groups post pictures of painfully skinny girls for "thinspiration", compare dangerously low goal weights and measurements, and team up to "keep each other strong" in their quest to lose weight.
They swap stories on how they vomit until they cough blood, are often too weak to get out of bed and how they're scared family or friends will find out and force them into recovery.
[...]Many girls in these groups, aged from about 15 to 30, claim their goal weight is below seven stone (45kg), and for some it is as low as five stone (32kg).
"We always want to be the thinnest," Andrea says. "'Thinner is the winner', that's a quote that we live by."
Zeitgeist - Autre reportage conspirationiste
Un nouveau documentaire portant sur le 11 septembre, la réserve fédérale et la religion chretienne. A vue de nez, Illuminati power !
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Occam's Razor - Définition
Occam's razor (sometimes spelled Ockham's razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory. The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae ("law of parsimony" or "law of succinctness"):
Bertrand Russel - Wikipedia
A relire. Homme très interessant mais théories complexes (ou mal expliquées).
John Stuart Mill - Un homme bien
Mill distinguishes between "happiness" and "contentment," claiming that the former is of higher value than the latter, a belief wittily encapsulated in his statement that it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
Mill's argument is that the 'simple pleasures' tend to be preferred by people who have no experience with high art, and are therefore not in a proper position to judge. For this reason, in his life Mill supported legislation that would have granted extra voting power to university graduates, on the grounds that they were in a better position to judge what would be best for society. It should be noted that in this Mill in no way devalued the uneducated as people, and he certainly would have advocated sending the poor but talented to universities; it is the education, and not the intrinsic nature, of the educated that Mill believed qualified them to have more influence in government.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Victory Records - Témoignage d'un ex employé
Témoignage d'un ex employé de Victory sur les pratiques du label et la personnalité tyrannique de son directeur.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Warren Ellis - Sur les medias
Which makes it, in its way, the perfect object lesson of American news. Given the time, CNN and their kin can present the news in such a way that it makes no sense to anyone, and increases no-one’s understanding of current events and the times they live in. I spent nine days in America this time, and it felt like I was in a bottle lost on the tide.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Warren Ellis interview William Gibson
Something that started with Pattern Recognition was that I?discovered I could Google the world of the novel. I began to regard it as a sort of extended text — hypertext pages hovering just outside the printed page. There have been threads on my Web site — readers Googling and finding my footprints. I still get people asking me about "the possibilities of interactive fiction," and they seem to have no clue how we're already so there.
Ben Templesmith à propos de Ashley Wood
From Ben Templesmith about Ashley Wood: ”Ash is a force of nature. Artistically, he's incorporated the best of many great artists and then infused them with his own demon seed to make an all together different animal. Truly unique now. Just talking to him these days it's scary to see the sheer amount of ideas and creativity coming out of him. This man will not stop!
Ashley Wood - Interview
What are your main influences?
Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, John Singer Sargeant, Bob Peak, Bernie Fuchs.
What materials do you use to produce your work? How much is done on the computer?
Depends on the piece and what it's for. The painted pieces all start off as oil paintings, some I work until they're complete oil paintings, others are used as a step in a computer aided process. As for the materials that I use, a lot of oil paint, digital photography and tons of Staedtler Calligraphic Duo markers.
Prêcher l'abstinence ne sert a rien
The Oxford University team reviewed 13 US trials involving over 15,000 people aged 10 to 21.
They found abstinence programmes had no negative or positive impact on the rates of sex infections or unprotected sex, the British Medical Journal said.
[...]However, such groups have so far failed to gain the foothold they have in the US where a third of the President's HIV budget is given to abstinence programmes.
The latest study, which included trials comparing young people attending abstinence-only programmes against those receiving no sex education, raises questions over whether they work in developed countries.
Researchers found none of the abstinence-only programmes had an impact on the age at which individuals lost their virginity, whether they had unprotected sex, the number of sexual partners, the rates of sexually transmitted diseases or the number of pregnancies.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Les vegansexuals
A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme.
Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals.
Another Christchurch vegan said she found non-vegans attractive, but would not want to be physically close to them."I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of others who have died for their sustenance," she said.
Christchurch vegan Nichola Kriek has been married to her vegan husband, Hans, for nine years.
She would not describe herself as vegansexual, but said it would definitely be a preference.
She could understand people not wanting to get too close to non-vegan or non-vegetarians.
"When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals," she said.
Jeremy Fish - Concepteur graphique de None shall pass
Site officiel de Jeremy Fish, graphiste qui s'est occupé, entre autre, d'un projet avec Aesop Rock et du dernier album de ce dernier.