Friday, April 25, 2008

Cat soup - Weird anime ?

Cat soup

Cat Soup is an extremely difficult film to describe, due to its awesome surrealism and almost nonexistant dialogue. It is more a work of art than an anime. There are many underlying themes, such as the transcience of man's existence, but it can be enjoyed without understanding any of them. The plot, though simple, isn't necessarily understandable without being explained. The main character, a cat named Nyatto, embarks upon a journey to save his sister's soul, which was ripped in two when Nyatto tried to save her from Death. She trails after him, brain-dead. They encounter many brilliant, mind-bending situations, beginning with a disturbing magic show.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reportage sur un tueur légendaire de la mafia

Richard Kulinski sur Wikipedia

The Iceman : confession of a mafia serial killer

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Une nouvelle politique vis à vis du cannabis pour la police de Londre

Met to try a softer line on cannabis

Commander Paddick said yesterday the proposal did not mean cannabis was being legalised. The idea was to free his officers from spending hours mopping up minor drugs offences when they needed time to tackle the "cancer" of crack cocaine-related crime.

"I've never met anyone who had to commit crime to fund a cannabis habit, but crack cocaine users commit robbery, burglary and car crime."

He said he was not soft on cannabis use. "That completely misrepresents what we want to do. We believe this policy will continue to deter people buying cannabis on the streets, as they will still lose even small amounts of cannabis in their possession. The person has to accept the warning, [or] be arrested."

It takes two officers up to five hours to process a cannabis possession arrest. "With the new policy, we can deal with a similar matter in 10 minutes," said Cdr Paddick.

Berlusconi et l'immigration

Silvio Berlusconi says illegal immigrants are "army of evil"

Mr Berlusconi, 71, who was elected on Monday to serve a third term as prime minister, said that he would "step up neighbourhood police, who can be an army of good, placing themselves between the Italian people and the army of evil".

He vowed to deport non-European Union citizens who "do not have work or home and are forced into crime in order to live".

His comments will have pleased his "post-fascist" allies and the Northern League, which declared four years ago that immigrants should be shot in their boats.

Rich Johnson parle de la campagne pour la mairie de Londre

Indecision internationale - London mayoral election

American spin doctors have become masters at sanding down any politician's hard spiky edges we normally refer to as "personality" so not even a timid-but-closed-minded field mouse with a heart murmur is offended. The only way Presidential candidates now differentiate themselves in the mind of the voter is by being black, female or Yoda.


Even so, the candidates for Mayor of London -- the most powerful directly-elected position in the country -- are as mad as a sackful of badgers. The incumbent candidate is maverick Labour Party politician Ken Livingstone (left, above), a never-married newt-loving hardline socialist with five children from three women, a penchant for comparing Jewish reporters to concentration camp guards and saying random things like "I just long for the day I wake up and find that the Saudi royal family are swinging from lampposts."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dépendance à Internet

Web 2.0 exposition : Torture by information overload

Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Plaxo may have helped foster community and communication, but they've also added immensely to the flow of often-interruptive messages that their users receive, leading to information overload and possibly a nasty internet addiction.

"We have people calling on a weekly if not daily basis," says Libby Smith, a corporate clinician for the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, which helps treat internet addicts. "If somebody engages in the use of an application compulsively, we get calls about it. There isn't one application that's good or bad, but if people are unable or unwilling to stop using it, that's what we look at as a red flag for an intervention."

Monday, April 21, 2008

L'histoire d'un homme coincé dans un ascenceur pendant 40 heures

Up and then down

Loading up an empty elevator car with discarded Christmas trees, pressing the button for the top floor, then throwing in a match, so that by the time the car reaches the top it is ablaze with heat so intense that the alloy (called “babbitt”) connecting the cables to the car melts, and the car, a fireball now, plunges into the pit: this practice, apparently popular in New York City housing projects, is inadvisable.


In most elevators, at least in any built or installed since the early nineties, the door-close button doesn’t work. It is there mainly to make you think it works. (It does work if, say, a fireman needs to take control. But you need a key, and a fire, to do that.) Once you know this, it can be illuminating to watch people compulsively press the door-close button. That the door eventually closes reinforces their belief in the button’s power. It’s a little like prayer

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Comment changer le gout du sperme

Jizz taste test
Une "journaliste" fait manger différents ingrédients à son mari pour voir en quoi cela change le gout de son sperme.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Alicia Keys - Conspirationniste

During an interview with Blender Magazine, Alicia lets off a few conspiracy theories including the statement "`Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap' didn't exist."

Another of her theories: That the bicoastal feud between slain rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled "by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing."

Alicia Keys from an interview in Blender (April 2008)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ellis - Whitechapel

Ed Brubaker interviewé par les lecteurs de Whitechapel

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Street Art - Blek le Rat

Blek le Rat interview

Un des pionniers du street art en France et une des grandes influences de Bansky.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Terrence McKenna - Audio

Conférence de Terrence McKenna

Quote of the day

Teufel's Tomb - Brain Drill review

Seriously, throw a stone at random in their direction and you're guaranteed to hit someone who works at McDonald's and knocked up his own sister.