Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Que s'est il passé le jour du 11 Septembre ?
Ceci est un lien vers un reportage entier sur le 11 Septembre. Les auteurs de ce reportage contreversés ont comme hypothèse que l'effondrement des tours n'est pas due aux avions, du faitd de la resistance de l'architecture des tours, mais a des explosions internes provoqués par des explosifs. L'argumentaire est composé de témoignages de personnes présentes ce jour là, de professionels de la démolition ainsi que de différents reportages tournées par des journaux. Bien que de nombreux aspects du reportage soient discutable, l'interet de ce document est qu'il pose des questions pertinentes en se basant sur une analyse assez convaincante. Ce documentaire se place toutefois aussi dans la même ligne d'action que des théories de conspirations liés aux illuminatis. De ce fait, les conclusions a tirer de ce reportage sont a prendre avec précautions puisque lié a des théories assez fumeuse sur "les maitres du monde qui controleraient nos vies et l'économie tout entière". Je vous suggère de regarder le reportage (d'une durée d'une heure et demi) et de vous faire une idée.
Kali - Déesse hindou
Kali is a feminine form of the Sanskrit word "kala," meaning "time". It also means "black". Kali has therefore been translated variously as "She who is time," "She who devours time," "She who is the Mother of time," "She who is black," and "She who is black time". Kali's association with blackness stands in contrast to her consort, Shiva, whose body is covered by the white ashes of the cremation ground (Sanskrit: 'śmaśan') in which he meditates, and with which they are both associated, hence Kali's epithet 'Śmaśanâ.'
The iconography of Kali can be explained by studying the aesthetic formalities of the Nidanshastra -- an authoritative collective on South-Asian symbolism and plastic arts. In Hindu iconography nothing is included without purpose. Starting with their various accompaniments, deities are usually portrayed holding objects in their hands and these objects always have some symbolic significance. The objects or icons which they hold can be roughly grouped into 4 categories: 1) Weapons 2) Plant forms 3) Humans, animals and birds 4) Everyday objects, like a book or a bowl. Some objects are generally carried by wrathful deities, while others are generally carried by peaceful deities. Some objects are traditionally masculine, while others are feminine. And finally, some objects are considered right-hand proper, while others are left-hand proper.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Benzedrine - Effets et influences sur la litterature
Early users of the Benzedrine inhaler discovered that it had a euphoric stimulant effect, resulting in it being one of the earliest synthetic stimulants to be widely used for recreational (i.e., non-medical) purposes. Even though this drug was intended for inhalation, many people abused it by cracking the container open and swallowing the paper strip inside, which was covered in Benzedrine. The strips were often rolled into small balls and swallowed, or taken with coffee or alcohol. The drug was often referred to as "Bennies" by users and in literature.
This drug was very popular with the beat generation and its influence can be seen in the literature and biographies of William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. Also, a famous user was the prolific mathematician Paul Erdős, who spent much of his restless life on psychostimulants. An article of November 1987, published in the Atlantic Monthly profiled Erdős and discussed his Benzedrine habit. Erdős said to writer Paul Hoffman that he had liked the article "...except for one thing...You shouldn't have mentioned the stuff about Benzedrine. It's not that you got it wrong. It's just that I don't want kids who are thinking about going into mathematics to think that they have to take drugs to succeed."
Diegesis et Mimesis
Diegesis (Greek διήγησις) has been contrasted since Plato's and Aristotle's times with mimesis, the form that is showing rather than telling the thoughts or the inner processes of characters, by external action and acting. Diegesis, however, is the narrative in fiction and nonfiction, the telling of the story by the narrator(s). The narrator(s) may speak through his/her characters or may be the invisible narrator or even the all-knowing narrator who speaks from above in the form of commenting on the action or the characters.
Pablo Neruda
A propos de son voyage au Perou
In 1943, following his return to Chile, Neruda made a tour of Peru, where he visited Machu Picchu. The austere beauty of the Inca citadel later inspired Alturas de Macchu Picchu, a book-length poem in twelve parts which he completed in 1945 and which marked a growing awareness and interest in the ancient civilizations of the Americas: themes he was to explore further in Canto General. In this work, Neruda celebrated the achievement of Machu Picchu, but also condemned the slavery which had made it possible. In the Canto XII, he called upon the dead of many centuries to be born again and to speak through him. Martin Espada, poet and professor of creative writing at the University of Massachusetts, has hailed the work as a masterpiece, declaring that "there is no greater political poem".
Howl, poème sur la Beat Generation
The New York Times sent poet Richard Eberhart to San Francisco in 1956 to report on the poetry scene there. The result of Eberhart's visit was an article published in the September 6, 1956 New York Times Book Review entitled "West Coast Rhythms." Eberhart's piece helped call national attention to Howl as "the most remarkable poem of the young group" of poets who were becoming known as the spokespersons of the Beat generation
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix
who dreamt and made incarnate gaps in Time & Space through images juxtaposed, and trapped the archangel of the soul between two visual images and joined the elemental verbs and set the noun and dash of consciousness together jumping with sensations of Pater Omnipotens Aeterna Deus
Retranscription de Howl
Microsoft et sa Zune
we have to report that the brown brick cost Microsoft $289 million last quarter, hardly the numbers the company was hoping to post at this time. While we’re assured from our internal sources that the next rendition of the Zune (it’s not the Zune II) will address many of the shortcomings of the current model, and that the group has a roadmap to profitability in the works.
La Zune est censé être un concurrent du ipod. Mais est ce quelqu'un était au courant de l'existence de ce produit ? Je ne me souviens pas en avoir entendu parler nulle part.
la Muse - Online comics
Une série lisible en ligne, mis a jour tout les lundis jusqu'a la fin de l'histoire, ou deux soeurs, dont une possède des pouvoirs fantastiques et veut sauver le monde, et l'autre est une attaché de presse engagé pour s'occuper de la carrière de l'autre, voient leur vie bousculé quand un tas de gens commencent a vouloir leur peau. Très americain dans le style de dessin et dans le scénario mais agréable et amusant.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Thou shall not be gay
Un site qui semble être sérieux sur un groupe de catholique qui vise a eradiquer la présence de l'homosexualité dans la culture, et plus specialement en prevenant les gens contre la présence d'artistes gay. La liste est amusante.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Peter Dolving - Insomnia
"Another night of raging fear. But not this time around. Not anymore. That instiable hunger inside. The constant provocation of anyone at any time. The closer, the crueler and more irratic. Clueless to the implications of my malfunctioning personality. Pushing myself further into the things I fear. Living inside the consequences. The warzone. A DMZ of a war I was never a part of. Never a thought of my own irrational behaviour. All the strange late night sudden compulsive obsessions. Driving me on. In to night time walks through the darkness. Pushing past strangers. Crashing through innocent drunkards and likeminded alienees. Imitating the twisted shadows of what I thought would make me stronger. Harder. Grinding myself down while casting the blame on a world I knew nothing of. The lifetime of misfires and false starts. 25 years of pointless draining, shaming and breaking myself to make myself hard enough. To endure. To take the pain. Practicing the fine art of selfannihilation in a vain attempt of proving myself. Embracing selfhatred like some ghostly twin fetal residue inside myself. The mornings of loathing my own reflection. The twilight zone of illusive selfdeceit.
"Crawling through life were others simply walk.
"It was endless. My refusal to accept my own worth as a human being.
"It was me.
"It was always me. I just couldn't see it.
"Yep. I am an obsessive addict, a raging animal machine. But I'm clean. I'm sober, today. Madly in love with the very things I regarded my natural birth right when I was just a boy.
"I do have the right to live.
"I have a right to be strong.
"I have a right be as intense as I can be. A living fire.
"I am alive.
"And at the centre of that, I found peace.
"No longer a void. I remember: I was loved. Love made me, not fear. Not hatred nor distain nor indifference. Love.
"I know love. I know what love is, I just forgot for a while. I'll be fine..."
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Donald scientifique
As established in a previous Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed, Carl Barks was a real master of coming up with realistic sounding scientific facts, even when he was completely fabricating them. In fact, he paid such close attention that, as detailed in the earlier installment, a process he detailed in an issue of Donald Duck apparently led to an inventor being denied a patent, because his process was so similar to Barks’.
(extrait d'un article scientifique)
“Despite the recent extensive interest in methylene chemistry,” read the article’s last paragraph, “much additional study is required…. Among experiments which have not, to our knowledge, been carried out as yet is one of a most intriguing nature suggested in the literature of no less than 19 years ago (91).” Footnote 91, in turn, directed readers to issue 44 of Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories. It seems Donald’s reference to CH2 in panel 2.1 was years ahead of its time: the existence of this elusive chemical intermediate had not been proven in 1944.
Jésus est de retour depuis un bail en fait ...
Tom Cruise has been hailed as the "Christ" of Scientology.
High-ranking Scientologist David Miscavige is convinced Cruise, 44, will one day be worshipped like Jesus all over the world, becoming a prophet for the religion.
A source close to the actor is quoted by Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "Tom has been told he is Scientology's Christ-like figure. Just like Christ, he has been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right, just like Jesus."
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hunter S Thompson - the Football season is over
"No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun -- for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax -- This won't hurt"
Faites un voeux
Le système est le suivant. En arrivent sur le site, on vous pose une question : Etes vous gentil ou malicieux ? A partir de là, vous entrez sur le site et vous pouvez choisir de faire un voeux. Entrez vos coordonnés et expliquez ce que vous desirez obtenir. Votre voeux est enregistré et des gens peuvent donner de l'argent pour vous aider a accomplir votre rêve. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi pas. Le système est peut être une vaste blague mais l'idée est amusante.
Election en Serbie
A small and promising new party (LDP) passed the electoral threshold to enter Parliament. The leader of this party, a younger man who personally arrested Milosevic seven years ago, had a tough election campaign. In the last day before the vote, somebody planted a device under his car, apparently a bomb. The police blocked the streets for several panicky hours, then denied that anything hadhappened. I myself was a couple of blocks away, I saw the incident take place, but denial is a big art in Serbia. Who are you going to believe: the official version, or your lying eyes?
Monday, January 22, 2007
Warren Ellis - Histoire courte
She'd never looked more beautiful. It'd been a year since he'd seen her, but he knew she'd never looked better. She glowed. There was light in her eyes. He couldn't help but look her up and down, eyes drawn to her breasts by the glass-vial pendant laying in her cleavage. It was full of something, all red and black.
He pulled off the headphones and stepped down from his decks, indicating the rear door away from the stomp and thrash of the dancefloor. The door closed behind them, turning the club outside into hiss.
"You move around a lot," she smiled, too close to him.
"I go where the work is," he said easily. "Why? Been looking for me? It's been a while."
"Yes. And yes." Her fingers stroked the long vial. "We have something to tell you."
She held the pendant-vial up into the light from the corridor's single flourescent tube. There was something withered and black in there, suspended in viscous fluid. Little particles of blood floated in the syrup. She shook the vial. The blood-dots flew up like a snowglobe's blizzard, revealing the features of the blackened foetus.
"Hello, daddy. Say 'hello, daddy'." Her eyes glittered. "Hello, daddy."
(© Warren Ellis 2006 etc etc. )
Au Zimbabwe, un génocide est en cours
The horde of painfully thin street children milling around you at traffic lights is almost the least of it: in a population now down to 11m or less there are an estimated 1.3m orphans.
A game ranger friend tells me that hyena attacks on humans, previously unheard of, have become increasingly common. “So many babies, not all of them dead, are being dumped in the bush that hyenas have developed a taste for human flesh,” he explains.
A staggering 42,000 women died in childbirth last year, for example, compared with fewer than 1,000 a decade ago.
A vast human cull is under way in Zimbabwe and the great majority of deaths are a direct result of deliberate government policies. Ignored by the United Nations, it is a genocide perhaps 10 times greater than Darfur’s and more than twice as large as Rwanda’s.Genocide is not a word one should use hastily but the situation is exactly as described in the UN Convention on Genocide, which defines it as “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.
When I visited Zimbabwe in 1997 it was still the breadbasket of southern Africa and you could read letters in the local papers from members of the well- educated black middle class complaining, for example, that a floral roundabout was not being properly maintained. Such innocence abruptly vanished after 2000, when President Robert Mugabe launched farm invasions and a political terror campaign to counter a rising tide of opposition. Since Mugabe forbade entry to foreign journalists, getting in at all became increasingly tricky
Matabeleland, always the centre of opposition to Mugabe, was the first to experience his iron fist in the mid-1980s and has taken more terrible punishment in recent years. Last year, in common with the rest of the country, it was the target of Operation Murambatsvina (Shona for “drive out the filth”) in which the police and army destroyed shanty towns and cracked down on informal traders after Mugabe decreed that they needed to be forcibly “re-ruralised” to regain their peasant roots. All told, some 2m people were affected.
"we would be better off with only 6m people, with our own who support the liberation struggle. We don’t want all these extra people”.
Mugabe’s henchman (and secret police boss), Didymus Mutasa, in 2002
“Proper burial has always been important in African society but now many people have a pauper’s burial — no coffins, no service, no relatives present; the bodies are just thrown in a pit like cattle. Our young people cannot think of marriage because they are poverty-stricken. So many are just waiting to die. Some say to me there is no difference between life and death, that life has lost all meaning.
“The women suffer the most. At a certain point the men just walk away but the women are left with their children, watching them starve. We used to have universal schooling but 50% of the children are now out of school because the parents cannot afford even the smallest fees.
“Such children have no future. The only hope lies in the end of Mugabe. Some people pray for him to die but they are very scared. In any meeting of 20 people there will always be two informers.
Like every black Zimbabwean I met, Makoni would like to leave the country but is in effect trapped by her own poverty and weakness. Despite the horrendous death toll, Archbishop Ncube is right. This is not a genocide like that in Rwanda, where some 900,000 people were butchered in an orgy of tribal hatred. Instead, the regime’s key motive at every stage has simply been its own maintenance of power.
From 2000 on, it destroyed commercial agriculture because it saw the white farmers and their workers as opposition to Mugabe. This led to the first wave of killing, as some 2.25m farm-workers and their families were thrown off the farms, many after being beaten and tortured. An unknown number died. The eviction had the effect of collapsing the economy and cutting the food supply far below subsistence in every subsequent year.
What scarce food there was left, along with seeds, fertiliser, agricultural implements and every other means to life, was made dependent on possession of a Zanu-PF party card. Campaigns of terror followed in 2000 and 2002-03. The population has since been kept in a continuous state of anxiety by a series of military-style “operations”, of which Murambatsvina and Maguta are merely two particularly murderous examples.
[...]World Health Organisation figures show that life expectancy in Zimbabwe, which was 62 in 1990, had by 2004 plummeted to 37 for men and 34 for women. These are by far the worst such figures in the world. Yet Zimbabwe does not even get onto the UN agenda: South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki, who has covered for Mugabe from the beginning, uses his leverage to prevent discussion. How long this can go on is anyone’s guess.
After Rwanda, the UN vowed “never again” but Mugabe — and, to a considerable extent, Mbeki — have already been responsible for far more deaths than Rwanda suffered and the number is fast heading into realms previously explored only by Stalin, Mao and Adolf Eichmann.
Un medicament peu cher pourrait guerir certaines formes de cancer
Until now it had been assumed that cancer cells used glycolysis because their mitochondria were irreparably damaged. However, Michelakis’s experiments prove this is not the case, because DCA reawakened the mitochondria in cancer cells. The cells then withered and died (Cancer Cell, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2006.10.020).
Michelakis suggests that the switch to glycolysis as an energy source occurs when cells in the middle of an abnormal but benign lump don’t get enough oxygen for their mitochondria to work properly (see diagram). In order to survive, they switch off their mitochondria and start producing energy through glycolysis.
Crucially, though, mitochondria do another job in cells: they activate apoptosis, the process by which abnormal cells self-destruct. When cells switch mitochondria off, they become “immortal”, outliving other cells in the tumour and so becoming dominant. Once reawakened by DCA, mitochondria reactivate apoptosis and order the abnormal cells to die.
Quand la science rencontre l'art ils offrent une tournée à l'écologie
The designer was inspired to contact Prof Ryan when he appeared on BBC radio to explain how plastics can self-destruct, and she has worked with him to merge art and science in other products.
They have made bottles that, once empty, can be dissolved in hot water - when the solution cools down it makes a gel that can be used to grow seeds into flowers. Another product is a water purification pillow.
Greenpeace - l'Esperanza a la rescousse des baleines
Mental typewriter controlled by thought alone
The machine makes it possible to type messages onto a computer screen by mentally controlling the movement of a cursor. A user must wear a cap containing electrodes that measure electrical activity inside the brain, known as an electroencephalogram (EEG) signal, and imagine moving their left or right arm in order to manoeuvre the cursor around.
Curio says users can operate the device just 20 minutes after going through 150 cursor moves in their minds. This is because the device rapidly learns to recognise activity in the area of a person's motor cortex, the area of the brain associated with movement. "The trick is the machine-learning algorithms developed at the Fraunhofer Institute," Curio says.
Chapin adds that brain-computer interfaces could have a range of uses beyond the medical. "Signals from the brain give you a fraction of a second advantage," he says. The device could make a novel game controller and be used in other ways. The researchers have even begun testing the machine as a driving aid, as it can sense a sudden reaction and control a vehicle's brakes before even the driver can.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
How to spend your time on the internet
Une petite collection de replique d'un petit ami à sa compagne sur divers sujets. Très drole pour passer un petit moment.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia
Opinion politique : Anarcho syndicalisme
Libertarian socialism
Est à l'origine de la théorie linguistique de la grammaire non contextuel
Première article : the Responsability of intellectuals
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Un message de nos sponsorts.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sentient developments
Note personnel : A consulter impérativement.
Warren Ellis - Bad signal
"And the only people who don't like a little swagger are those insecure souls who recoil when they feel the art they consume is cooler than they are. Which is a shame, but the great project of art is not to create a nice zoo for people who are afraid of artists who can think. Besides, those people can always go and watch DIAGNOSIS; MURDER."
In the twilight of his career, Alfred Bester gave an interview -- I think to Charles Platt -- wherein the name of novelist Brian Aldiss comes up. "Brilliant," Bester says. "TOO brilliant." Bester complains that he, a pretty smart guy, can't understand what Aldiss is writing. "But he's off on this brilliance kick, I don't know why." I always found that sad. Aldiss, of course, did pretty well as a novelist from the 60s (labelled as New Wave) through to the 80s. New Wave was another movement, though labelled by others.
Death Metal on TV
Amon dans une emission de télé local
Amon, pour ceux qui ne sont pas familié de l'histoire du death metal, est le premier groupe de Glen Benton avant leur changement de nom pour devenie Deicide. Cette video est un extrait particulièrement hilarant de l'histoire de Deicide et de notre ami Glen Benton car à l'époque il croit encore a tout le fatras sataniste qui ont fait la réputation sulphureuse de Deicide à leur début. Un pur moment de comédie.
Monday, January 15, 2007
I guess it's pop art
Entre Yoshitomo Nara et Chris Ware (the Acme Novelty Library). Du pop art très influencé par les cartoon de la Warner pré Tex Avery.
Comment perdre son temps sur internet ?
Inutile mais fantastique. Un créateur de bulle (de pensé ou de textes) que vous pouvez adapter a toutes les videos que vous voulez, tant qu'elles sont présentes sur un site. Vous pouvez gérer la durée de présence a l'écran, le contenu de la bulle, le format de la bulle et visionner le tout ensuite une fois que vous êtes satisfait de votre travail.
Un adolescent condamné pour possession de photos pédophiles sur son ordinateur
Cet article raconte comme un adolescent vivant avec ses parents en Arizona, un état où les lois sur la pédophilie sont très strictes, a été condamné pendant un temps a 90 ans de prison pour la possession, sur son ordinateur, et plus précisement sur son compte yahoo, de neuf photos pédophiles. Le problême que me pose l'article est le fait que l'on puisse porter une accusation grave sur un suspect en se basant uniquement sur la possession de photos pédophiles sur son ordinateur. Or, comme le précise un intervenant qui a témoigné en faveur de la famille :
"If you have an Internet connection, high speed, through, let's say, your cable company, or through the phone company, that computer is always on, and basically you have an open doorway to the outside," Loehrs said. "So the home user has no idea who's coming into their computer."
De plus, avant même la résolution du procès, l'adolescent a dut porter un bracelet a sa jambe pour que l'on sache ou il se trouvait. de plus, malgrès le fait que le jeune avait été reconnus innocent, il devait normalement être traité comme un "delinquant sexuel" :
"I have to stay away from children," said Matthew. "I cannot be around any area where there might be minors, including the mall, or the movies, or restaurants or even church. To go to church I have to have written consent from our priest, I have to sit in a different pew, one that doesn't have a child sitting in it."
La mesure en elle même me choque d'une part car l'accusé avait été reconnus comme innocent mais surtout car cela signifie que la personne vie avec un lourd stygmate durant toute sa vie. Ne devrions nous pas aider ces personnes a ne pas avoir de pulsions de ce types, plutot que de leur pourrir l'existence d'une manière aussi radicale. N'existe il pas un compromis possible ? Qu'est ce qu'une loi reprivise peut bien changer a un état psychique aussi complexe que celui ci ?
Je recommande la lecture de l'article car au delà de tout sentimentaliste exacerbé par les témoignages des parents et le fait que le journaliste prend evidemment le parti de l'adolescent, c'st un court recit d'une descente rapide dans les méandres de la justice et dans un traitement qui me semble, en prenant en compte ces quelques faits, comme excessifs, car arbitraire et automatique, dans le cadre d'une enquête qui devrait etre tout de même plus poussé que cela.
Citation de Andy Warhol
-- Andy Warhol
(merci à Warren Ellis)
Anecdote de tourné (These Arms are Snakes)
"I guess it happens to every band at some point. Our van and trailer were stolen from the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle at some point between the afternoon of Saturday the 13th and the evening of Sunday the 14th. The good news is that none of our equipment was inside of it at the time. The bad news is that we're not insured for theft. So if anyone happens to see a 15-passenger dark gray Ford van with a two-axle trailer attached and some meth-heads cooking up drugs in the back, be sure to let us or the police know. Strangely enough, we were getting ready to take it in for repairs because we couldn't get the damn thing to start. Hopefully whoever solved that problem in the process of stealing it will also fix the leaking radiator."
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
La guerre des marques
Marketing is the war of brands. [...] Of course it is a hostile work environment. We are waging war. We are trying to be the dominant brand in the wireless category. War tactics are manifested on the battlefield of media and on the battlefield called office or corporateland.
These war tactics are akin to moves in poker. In poker, one seeks to exploit positional advantages. Information is powerful, so, you have an advantage over the players to your immediate right, because you always play after them. You play after you know what they have done and before they know what you will do. While the cards will decide who wins, you always act with more knowledge than the players to your right. However, the players to your immediate left have an advantage over you. It is like an M.C. Escher painting where the steps go in a circle and every step to the left is up.
Both marketing and poker are games of money that are won by exploiting weaker players. Most weak poker players bluff too much. Most weak marketers over-promise on their products. Bluffing garners a lack of respect. In essence, bluffing is utilizing resources for a short-term gain. While this is a viable part of business, if utilized too often, bluffing is a form of unduly exposing yourself to liability. When somebody calls your bluff, you suffer financially. In the poker game of life, you may suffer financially, emotionally, physically or any combination of those.
Cheating is being an outlaw, or a pirate. It is taking money in a way that the casino won’t support your entitlement. But you aren’t a criminal unless you are successfully prosecuted. But the concept of cheating versus not cheating is a legal distinction. These divisions are synthetic. They don’t occur in Nature. We get trapped in our own systems, mistaking our systems for Reality. Anybody who tries to undermine the power of the system is quickly labeled a criminal. Their biggest crime is not respecting the power of the system, they point out the systems logical inconsistencies.
Anybody who doesn’t have an inkling as to how the United States of America honored their agreements with the native people who lived here prior to our arrival should stop whatever their doing and get an education. I guarantee you these people have never heard Columbus Day called Homeland Invasion Day. Its even doubtful they’ve heard of the Fourth of July referred to as Good Riddance Day by Brits, but that’s less germane—but it makes the point that history is produced by the victors. Anyone who sees the logic of defensively attacking another country because they may eventually attack us, probably wouldn’t make a good drinking buddy for me.
For obvious reasons, criminologists and psychologists and sociologists only study failed criminals–that is, those persons whose criminal acts led to their conviction and to punishment. If there’s a group of people out there who commit crimes and are not caught, and live happily ever after, then criminology is not a study of criminals, but of incompetents, bumblers, and ****ups and should instead be called ****upology.
The media perpetuates ethnic distinctions because they have a vested interest in producing discrete messages. That’s how they make money, by consumers demanding their own messages. But, it’s not just a division of ethnicity, it can be age or any psychographic. Adolescence is a marketing tool, teaching kids they have special needs, which means they buy special products.
Robert Anton Wilson
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”
“The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.”
“. . . there are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven't noticed already.”
“The shock of discovering that most of the power in the world is held by ignorant and greedy people can really bum you out at first; but after you've lived with it a few decades, it becomes, like cancer and other plagues, just another problem that we will solve eventually if we keep working at it.”
“The devil is only a convenient myth invented by the real malefactors of our world”
“Every fact of science was once Damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and "progress," everything on earth that is man-made and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of some man's refusal to bow to Authority. We would own no more, know no more, and be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent. As Oscar Wilde truly said, "Disobedience was man's Original Virtue."”
“I think I got off on the wrong planet. Beam me up Scotty, there's no rational life here.”
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Interview avec Philippe Starck
“I design useless Christmas gift,” he confesses. “That’s why don’t ask me to be proud or to be interested in what I do. I am so ashamed of what I do, I try to do it the best that’s possible.”
Lire les flux sanguins
Par un rayon infra rouge, l'appareil lit le flux sanguin de la personne, nottament dans la zone du cortex pré frontal, et envoie ensuite des signaux electroniques aux appareils pour s'activer en consequence. Ce système serait prévus pour des personnes handicapés et pourrait s'adapter a des chaises roulantes ou a des télèviseurs.
Un nouveau dirigeant a la tête des operations americaines en Irak
Afin de calmer la situation en Irak, le général Petraeus propose dans un document de nombreuses mises en garde et consignes pour les soldats :
His document goes into tremendous detail, down to the importance of where an interpreter should stand (next to the person you are questioning), how much local police should be paid (enough to minimise the risk of corruption) and even instructions to US soldiers not to fraternise too much with local children (they could be at risk, insurgents are watching).
Autre citation a retenir :
"Some of the best weapons do not shoot."
On dirait que quelqu'un a relut "l'Art de la Guerre" de Sun Tzu.
Projet de loi visant à l'augmentation de la paye minimum aux Etats Unis
Mrs Walter works as a cashier in a thrift store in Columbus, Ohio. She has been earning
$6.25 (£3.23) an hour, more than the US minimum wage of $5.15, but not as
much as the $7.25 the Democrats are hoping to make mandatory.
She has no health insurance, cuts her own hair and keeps her apartment at 15.5 C
to lower her gas bill.
The left-leaning Economic Policy Institute in Washington estimates that about 13
million people - one in 10 American workers - would benefit from the proposed
increase in the minimum wage, which has not risen in a decade.
Some industries oppose the increase, such as the National Restaurant Association
and the National Federation of Independent Businesses, which represents
small businesses. They warn that higher minimum wages would force
businesses to hire fewer workers.
She says she has never collected unemployment compensation and
would not know how to apply."It's my responsibility for me to take care of
myself and show up for work every day and be kind to people."I know there are
others who are poorer than me. I am poor but I am not going to lay down and
act like I am dying. I am going to get back up and do something wonderful
because I have a life and that's expected of me."
La conclusion, qui est une citation de la personne cité comme exemple dans l'article,
est, je trouve, un exemple type de la mentalité americaine ou la conscience
de groupe est plus importante qu'en France, par exemple.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tofa's light
Monday, January 08, 2007
Quelques photos
et Seattle (1 et 2).
Une divinité aborigènes sur les murs de Perth
Wandjina, une divinité très importante dans la culture aborigène, apparait de plus en plus souvent depuis quelques temps sur les murs d'une ville en Australie. Cette initiative pose de nombreuses questions puisque l'identité du graffeur est inconnus et la représentation de Wandjina est interdite pour toutes personnes non autorisé. D'un autre coté, l'apparition frequente de ce symbole permet d'apporter plus d'attention sur la culture aborigène.
Quelques photos sont disponibles sur FlickR.
Creationisme vs Geologie
Due a une mesure prise par des employés de l'administration du gouvernement des Etats Unis, il est interdit au staff du grand canyon de commenter sur la question de l'age géologique du lieu a cause de la vente d'un livre, vendu dans le cadre du parc, ou il y est ecrit que le grand canyon a été crée à l'époque de l'arche de Noé.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
BBC - Blog
L'utilisation de plus en plus courante de vocabulaire informatique dans le cadre de journaux télévisés cause de sérieux problêmes de comprehension auprès d'une population qui devient de plus en plus entourés par le monde de l'informatique et de l'internet sans pour autant que le vocabulaire soit maitrisé, ou que la population totale en bénéficie. Il est bien naturel que même si l'on parle constamment de "démocratisation" de l'informatique, cela ne signifie pas que chacun en bénéficie. Je retiendrais surtout cette phrase ou le journaliste parle de débat autour du vocabulaire au sein de sa rédaction :
"Every day I have intense discussions with editors who want me to explain even the simplest technology terms - we've even argued over whether the word "broadband" is understood by most people. While nearly half the homes in Britain have it, that leaves millions who don't and may need it explained."
Broaband = Haut débit.
Les blogger seraient des nihilistes
Whereas the email-based list culture echoes a postal culture of writing letters and occasionally essays, the ideal blog post is defined by snappy public relations techniques.
Blogging in the post-9/11 period closed the gap between Internet and society. Whereas dot-com suits dreamt of mobbing customers flooding their e-commerce portals, blogs were the actual catalysts that realized worldwide democratization of the Net. As much as "democratization" means "engaged citizens", it also implies normalization (as in setting of norms) and banalization. We can't separate these elements and only enjoy the interesting bits. According to Jean Baudrillard, we're living in the "Universe of Integral Reality". "If there was in the past an upward transcendence, there is today a downward one. This is, in a sense, the second Fall of Man Heidegger speaks of: the fall into banality, but this time without any possible redemption." If you can't cope with high degrees of irrelevance, blogs won't be your cup of tea.
Blogging comes close to what Adilkno once described as "vague media". The lack of direction is not a failure but the core asset. Blogging did not emerge out of a movement or an event. If anything, it is a special effect of software, constituted especially by the automation of links, a not-overly-complex technical interface design issue.
It is not easy to answer the question of whether blogs operate inside or outside the media industry. To position the blog medium inside could be seen as opportunistic, whereas others see this as a clever move. There is also a "tactical" aspect. The blogger-equals-journalist might get protection from such a label in case of censorship and repression. Despite countless attempts to feature blogs as alternatives to mainstream media, they are often, more precisely described as "feedback channels". The act of "gatewatching" (Axel Bruns) the mainstream media outlets does not necessarily result in reasonable comments that will be taken into account. In the category "insensitive" we have a wide range, from hilarious to mad, sad, and sick.
Blogs will tell you if your audience is still awake and receptive. Blogs test. They allow you to see whether your audience is still awake and receptive.
"People are getting bored with the given formats; they don't catch up with the news anymore, it no longer sticks to their cervical memory stick. It is like a song that you have listened to too often, or a commercial advertisement; you hear it, you can even sing the words, but they are without meaning. Mainstream media is starting to grasp this. They have to search for new formats in order to attract readers (read: advertisers)" – and blogs are but a small chapter in this transformation. ( Cecile Landman, a Dutch investigative journalist and supporter of Iraqi bloggers with the Streamtime campaign)
Net cynicism no longer believes in cyberculture as an identity provider with related entrepreneurial hallucinations. It is constituted by cold enlightenment as a post-political condition and by confession described by Michel Foucault. People are taught that their liberation requires them to "tell the truth", to confess it to someone (a priest, psychoanalyst, or weblog), and this truth telling will somehow set them free.
A cynic, so Sloterdijk says, is someone who is part of an institution or group whose existence and values he himself can no longer see as absolute, necessary, and unconditional, and who is miserable due to this enlightenment, because he or she sticks to principles he or she does not believe in.
We're operating in a post-deconstruction world in which blogs offer a never-ending stream of confessions, a cosmos of micro-opinions attempting to interpret events beyond the well-known twentieth-century categories. The nihilist impulse emerges as a response to the increasing levels of complexity within interconnected topics. There is little to say if all occurrences can be explained through post-colonialism, class analysis, and gender perspectives. However, blogging arises against this kind of political analysis, through which a lot can no longer be said.
As Justin Clemens rightly states, "nihilism often goes unremarked, not because it is no longer an issue of contemporary philosophy and theory, but – on the contrary – because it is just so uncircumventable and dominating." The term has dropped almost completely out of establishment political discourse. The reason for this could be the "banalization of nihilism" (Karen Carr). Or to rephrase it: the absence of high art that can be labeled as such. This might have changed with the rise of writers such as Michel Houellebecq. Andre Gluckmann explained the 2005 migrant riots in the French suburbs as a "response to French nihilism" What the revolting youth did was an "imitation of negation". The "problem of nihilism", as Clemens notes, is the complex, subtle, and self-reflexive nature of the term. To historicize the concept is one way out, though I will leave that to the historians. Another way could be to occupy the term and reload it with surprising energies: creative nihilism.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Bruce Sterling - Auteur de science fiction
Le terrorisme en tant que force politique
Al Qaeda can't govern; they just produce chaos.
Hezbollah is a paramilitary terror network that can
almost manage to govern. Sort of. The Islamic Courts
in Somalia weren't even terrorists; they are
a serious-minded justice system very interested in
law and order, but they were home-made courts
without a legislature or an executive, so they're not
a legitimate state and states want nothing to do
with them. Islamic peoples has never thrived in
the alien Westphalian nation-state system.
Unfortunately they thrive even worse
outside of it.
Agir pour l'environnement
It's gonna take a tremendous amount of money to
fix a soiled planetary atmosphere.
There's never been a state-sponsored project that size.
Not even close. It makes the Hoover Dam look like
a cork.
You look around at people taking serious remediary
steps... they're not politicians. They're not
shoestring activists and Seattle 99ers.
They're rich moguls. Michael Bloomberg.
Vinod Khosla. Richard Branson. The Google boys.
Wal-Mart. Two percent of the
population, the financial super-elite, owns fifty
percent of the planet.
I'm not saying that's a good situation, or that
its politically smart to suck up to such
profoundly antidemocratic characters, but
they're the only ones with levers in their
Agir dans le cadre d'actions humanitaire
I hang out online with people who spend most of
their time jetting from conference to conference talking
about emerging revolutionary web-based technologies
and the convergent future of media.
It struck me recently that, if they committed to a
few less conferences per year and sent those unspent
funds to Ethiopia and Darfur, we might at least nudge those
distant folks a little toward that next step on the
pyramid... and we might reduce our ecological footprint
just slightly.
Moins de ressources d'informations physique
That said: I do kinda live out of a suitcase these
I have remarkably few physical possessions: no car,
for instance... and I don't seem to feel much need of such
I used to have all kinds of writerly hardware: a printer,
monitor, fax, landline phone, record player, VCR, stacks of
vinyl, stacks of CDs, tons of books, multitons
of magazines, newspapers piling up... That's not
entirely gone, but
it's cut back by a factor of ten. It's all digitized
and in the laptop, basically.
Or it's on the Net.
Chaos Magic - Paradigm shift (Wikipedia)
One of the most frequently cited tenets of Chaos magic is that "Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted," a quote attributed to Hassan I Sabbah and used by Friedrich Nietzsche in his work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Like Crowley's "'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the law," this phrase is often mistakenly interpreted in its most literal sense to mean that there is no such thing as objective truth, so people are free whatever they chose. However, "Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted" is more widely interpreted to mean "there is no such thing as an objective truth outside of our perception; therefore, all things are true and possible."
The idea is that belief is a tool that can be applied at will rather than unconsciously. Some chaos magicians think that trying unusual, and often bizarre beliefs is in itself an experience worth having and consider flexibility of belief a form of power or freedom in a cybernetic sense of the word.
Maimonides - Définir Dieu par ce qu'il n'est pas (Wikipedia)
Hermeneutique - Définition Wikipedia
the Rainbow orchid
Le style est franco belge mais l'auteur est anglais. Le personnage principal, Julius, est l'assistant d'un professeur qui semble être un historien de tout ce qui sort de l'ordinaire. Le début de l'histoire semble indiquer un genre d'histoire proche de Tintin ou de Blake et Mortimer mais avec une narration plus fluide que celle de Jackobs. Pour n'en avoir lut que quelques strips, je trouve la réalisation très enthousiasmante et vu le rythme de quelques cases, la lecture ne prend pas de temps et se laisse défiler.
Perroquet parlant
N'kisi est un perroquet possède un vocabulaire de 950 mots et est capable de composer des phrases avec un sens de l'humour. L'étude des capacités cognitive des animaux semblent indiquer que les perroquets seraient dans les plus avancés dans le monde animal.
La Poste Anglaise est efficace
Une lettre envoyée avec uniquement un petit graphique pour indiquer l'adresse et le nom de la personne a été reçut par la bonne personne en neuf jours. Ceci n'est pas une première puisqu'un livre complet existe sur les efforts de Harriet Russel pour tester les capacités de la poste anglaise en envoyant des lettres dont les adresses étaient inscrites sous forme de puzzles.