Je n'ai jamais su si ce blog était consulté par qui que ce soit en dehors de moi et de deux autre personnes. Qu'à cela ne tienne, au cas où ce blog était consulté par d'autre personnes, il est grand temps d'annoncer la mort de ce support. Je quitte cet espace pour un autre que j'alimente quotidiennement depuis plusieurs mois. Celui ci rencontre semble t'il beaucoup plus de succès et je m'y plait plus car je peux plus facilement poster tout ce que je veux et tout ce que je trouve, d'autant plus que cette somme augmente chaque jours grâce à la magie des fils RSS. Voici donc l'adresse de ce nouveau lieu :
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Grind / Noise / More grind ...
Des tas de splits introuvables, des groupes obscures et moins obscures du prog jusqu'au noise en passant par le grind. Et un peu de Neurosis aussi.
Des tas de splits introuvables, des groupes obscures et moins obscures du prog jusqu'au noise en passant par le grind. Et un peu de Neurosis aussi.
Biomimicry et Bionics
Biomimicry - Définition Wikipedia
Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a relatively new science that studies nature, its models, systems, processes and elements and then imitates or takes creative inspiration from them to solve human problems sustainably.
Bionics - Définition Wikipedia
Bionics (also known as biomimetics, biognosis, biomimicry, or bionical creativity engineering) is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.
The transfer of technology between lifeforms and synthetic constructs is, according to proponents of bionic technology, desirable because evolutionary pressure typically forces living organisms, including fauna and flora, to become highly optimized and efficient. A classical example is the development of dirt- and water-repellent paint (coating) from the observation that the surface of the lotus flower plant is practically unsticky for anything (the lotus effect).
Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a relatively new science that studies nature, its models, systems, processes and elements and then imitates or takes creative inspiration from them to solve human problems sustainably.
Bionics - Définition Wikipedia
Bionics (also known as biomimetics, biognosis, biomimicry, or bionical creativity engineering) is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.
The transfer of technology between lifeforms and synthetic constructs is, according to proponents of bionic technology, desirable because evolutionary pressure typically forces living organisms, including fauna and flora, to become highly optimized and efficient. A classical example is the development of dirt- and water-repellent paint (coating) from the observation that the surface of the lotus flower plant is practically unsticky for anything (the lotus effect).
Documentaire sur les snuffs
Channel 4 : Does snuff exists ?
L'intégralité d'un reportage sur la question sur google video.
L'intégralité d'un reportage sur la question sur google video.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Témoignage au sein du camp de Shatila
Inside a Palestinian refugee camp
Ahmed Halimeh is a science teacher in a UN-run school for Palestinian refugees. Out of school he does social work for a non-governmental organisation he co-founded.
I have taught generations of children in Shatila camp. We have hardly enough time and resources to give them the education they need. The schools work double shifts, with two schools of about 300 pupils sharing one building - they take it in turns to have lessons in early morning or the evening. If children drop out of school, I see it as my duty to go and visit the family and try to persuade them to return. Education is the best weapon the Palestinian refugees have, their only weapon.
I have lived through the worst times in this camp. When we were under siege in the War of the Camps, I went from house to house to make sure people had food and water. Conditions were absolutely inhuman. Now times are better and the Shia militiamen who used to shoot at us are now our neighbours. I still see the sniper who used to fire at me in the market. We say hello to each other - I will never point him out to my son, in case he wants to take revenge!
Ahmed Halimeh is a science teacher in a UN-run school for Palestinian refugees. Out of school he does social work for a non-governmental organisation he co-founded.
I have taught generations of children in Shatila camp. We have hardly enough time and resources to give them the education they need. The schools work double shifts, with two schools of about 300 pupils sharing one building - they take it in turns to have lessons in early morning or the evening. If children drop out of school, I see it as my duty to go and visit the family and try to persuade them to return. Education is the best weapon the Palestinian refugees have, their only weapon.
I have lived through the worst times in this camp. When we were under siege in the War of the Camps, I went from house to house to make sure people had food and water. Conditions were absolutely inhuman. Now times are better and the Shia militiamen who used to shoot at us are now our neighbours. I still see the sniper who used to fire at me in the market. We say hello to each other - I will never point him out to my son, in case he wants to take revenge!
Emo - Mode ou culte ?
Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo
Hannah was a happy 13-year-old until she became an 'emo' - part of a sinister teenage craze that romanticises death. Three months later she hanged herself.
In the unending bleakness of the weeks that have followed, the couple have fought to make sense of what happened.
Why on earth did their daughter — a popular, intelligent and attractive girl — do such a thing?
They could find only one clue: Hannah was what is known as an "emo".
Some describe it as a cult or a sect, but in reality the term — derived from the word "emotional" — encapsulates a trend that is becoming hugely popular among Britain's schoolchildren.
There is, though, growing concern that there is a deeply unhealthy undertone to the emo movement.
Some time before her death, Hannah's parents, who live in Kent, noticed scarring on the inside of her wrists.
When they questioned her about it, honest and open as ever, she told them she'd inflicted the wounds herself and that it was part of an emo "initiation ceremony".
Only after her death would they discover how she had secretly chatted online to emo followers all over the world, talking about death and of the "black parade" — a place where emos believe they go after they die.
(témoignage d'une fille de 11 ans qui se classifie en tant qu'émo)
"I think many of the concerns around emos aren't true," she says.
"To me, emos skateboard a lot, dress in darker colours and listen to alternative rock music.
"It's also true they probably think about feelings more than other people.
"I do get teased for being an emo because some people at school think it's just about suicide and self-harm.
"But I think you would have to be depressed already to self-harm — and I'm not depressed.
"I like going out dressed in emo clothes because it causes a stir. There aren't many emos where I live, so people look at you.
"It makes you feel individual."
In recent years, the growing reach of the internet and social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo has meant that the influences to which teenagers are exposed are not controlled by mere geography.
While this can have positive effects, Professor Stephen Briggs, a clinician in the adolescent department of the Tavistock Clinic, says it can also adversely affect the way teenagers develop.
"With mobile phones, the internet and Facebook you can create a virtual world that means you need never be alone," he says. "It means that you don't ever have to be out of sight — and that doesn't allow an adolescent to experience that sense of being a bit separate, of finding one's self.
"It means you don't have a chance to mature on your own; to know who you are."
Hannah was a happy 13-year-old until she became an 'emo' - part of a sinister teenage craze that romanticises death. Three months later she hanged herself.
In the unending bleakness of the weeks that have followed, the couple have fought to make sense of what happened.
Why on earth did their daughter — a popular, intelligent and attractive girl — do such a thing?
They could find only one clue: Hannah was what is known as an "emo".
Some describe it as a cult or a sect, but in reality the term — derived from the word "emotional" — encapsulates a trend that is becoming hugely popular among Britain's schoolchildren.
There is, though, growing concern that there is a deeply unhealthy undertone to the emo movement.
Some time before her death, Hannah's parents, who live in Kent, noticed scarring on the inside of her wrists.
When they questioned her about it, honest and open as ever, she told them she'd inflicted the wounds herself and that it was part of an emo "initiation ceremony".
Only after her death would they discover how she had secretly chatted online to emo followers all over the world, talking about death and of the "black parade" — a place where emos believe they go after they die.
(témoignage d'une fille de 11 ans qui se classifie en tant qu'émo)
"I think many of the concerns around emos aren't true," she says.
"To me, emos skateboard a lot, dress in darker colours and listen to alternative rock music.
"It's also true they probably think about feelings more than other people.
"I do get teased for being an emo because some people at school think it's just about suicide and self-harm.
"But I think you would have to be depressed already to self-harm — and I'm not depressed.
"I like going out dressed in emo clothes because it causes a stir. There aren't many emos where I live, so people look at you.
"It makes you feel individual."
In recent years, the growing reach of the internet and social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo has meant that the influences to which teenagers are exposed are not controlled by mere geography.
While this can have positive effects, Professor Stephen Briggs, a clinician in the adolescent department of the Tavistock Clinic, says it can also adversely affect the way teenagers develop.
"With mobile phones, the internet and Facebook you can create a virtual world that means you need never be alone," he says. "It means that you don't ever have to be out of sight — and that doesn't allow an adolescent to experience that sense of being a bit separate, of finding one's self.
"It means you don't have a chance to mature on your own; to know who you are."
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fecal face rencontre D*face
D*face interview
D*Face: Originally it started out as a creative release because I was really bored with what I was doing. I had spent all this time and worked really hard to be able to work within the (graphic arts) industry and thought it was all going to be creatively great. As it turned out it wasn't the case at all, at least not the situation I was in back then. On my off time or between jobs I would draw little characters. It really started out as something I was just doing to fulfill a creative release. Anywhere I would go I would put up these stickers and just try to cover as much of London as I could. It kind of became a subversive intermission to all the shit that was around us. But I was never really aware of it. I was just putting my shit up wherever I went!! Then a couple years later the whole sticker scene really took off in London. I went to this art book opening and there was a bunch of people milling around. Up to this point I was just doing my own thing, taking my stickers and printing out bigger versions on paper and putting them up. Then I show up at this book launch and these guys were like "fuckin-eh, you did that shit", I was like "um yeah, you have seen it?" And these guys were like "fuck yeah, it is everywhere!" The only person I had been out with at that time was Shepard. We kept in touch and when he would come over we would put some stuff up. Until that point it did not even occur to me to put my work up to get people to notice it. It was more escaping the everyday and to get people to question their environment and culture. Question the advertising that is around them. It is a little different now, the more aware the public becomes of street art the less applicable it seems to be. Because it was like "oh thats D*Face" or "Shepard" or whoever, instead of what is the meaning behind that.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Cult of Luna - Eternal kingdom
Cult of Luna discusses concept behind Eternal Kingdom
Une explication du concert derrière le dernier album de Cult of Luna.
Une explication du concert derrière le dernier album de Cult of Luna.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Cat soup - Weird anime ?
Cat soup
Cat Soup is an extremely difficult film to describe, due to its awesome surrealism and almost nonexistant dialogue. It is more a work of art than an anime. There are many underlying themes, such as the transcience of man's existence, but it can be enjoyed without understanding any of them. The plot, though simple, isn't necessarily understandable without being explained. The main character, a cat named Nyatto, embarks upon a journey to save his sister's soul, which was ripped in two when Nyatto tried to save her from Death. She trails after him, brain-dead. They encounter many brilliant, mind-bending situations, beginning with a disturbing magic show.
Cat Soup is an extremely difficult film to describe, due to its awesome surrealism and almost nonexistant dialogue. It is more a work of art than an anime. There are many underlying themes, such as the transcience of man's existence, but it can be enjoyed without understanding any of them. The plot, though simple, isn't necessarily understandable without being explained. The main character, a cat named Nyatto, embarks upon a journey to save his sister's soul, which was ripped in two when Nyatto tried to save her from Death. She trails after him, brain-dead. They encounter many brilliant, mind-bending situations, beginning with a disturbing magic show.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Une nouvelle politique vis à vis du cannabis pour la police de Londre
Met to try a softer line on cannabis
Commander Paddick said yesterday the proposal did not mean cannabis was being legalised. The idea was to free his officers from spending hours mopping up minor drugs offences when they needed time to tackle the "cancer" of crack cocaine-related crime.
"I've never met anyone who had to commit crime to fund a cannabis habit, but crack cocaine users commit robbery, burglary and car crime."
He said he was not soft on cannabis use. "That completely misrepresents what we want to do. We believe this policy will continue to deter people buying cannabis on the streets, as they will still lose even small amounts of cannabis in their possession. The person has to accept the warning, [or] be arrested."
It takes two officers up to five hours to process a cannabis possession arrest. "With the new policy, we can deal with a similar matter in 10 minutes," said Cdr Paddick.
Commander Paddick said yesterday the proposal did not mean cannabis was being legalised. The idea was to free his officers from spending hours mopping up minor drugs offences when they needed time to tackle the "cancer" of crack cocaine-related crime.
"I've never met anyone who had to commit crime to fund a cannabis habit, but crack cocaine users commit robbery, burglary and car crime."
He said he was not soft on cannabis use. "That completely misrepresents what we want to do. We believe this policy will continue to deter people buying cannabis on the streets, as they will still lose even small amounts of cannabis in their possession. The person has to accept the warning, [or] be arrested."
It takes two officers up to five hours to process a cannabis possession arrest. "With the new policy, we can deal with a similar matter in 10 minutes," said Cdr Paddick.
Berlusconi et l'immigration
Silvio Berlusconi says illegal immigrants are "army of evil"
Mr Berlusconi, 71, who was elected on Monday to serve a third term as prime minister, said that he would "step up neighbourhood police, who can be an army of good, placing themselves between the Italian people and the army of evil".
He vowed to deport non-European Union citizens who "do not have work or home and are forced into crime in order to live".
His comments will have pleased his "post-fascist" allies and the Northern League, which declared four years ago that immigrants should be shot in their boats.
Mr Berlusconi, 71, who was elected on Monday to serve a third term as prime minister, said that he would "step up neighbourhood police, who can be an army of good, placing themselves between the Italian people and the army of evil".
He vowed to deport non-European Union citizens who "do not have work or home and are forced into crime in order to live".
His comments will have pleased his "post-fascist" allies and the Northern League, which declared four years ago that immigrants should be shot in their boats.
Rich Johnson parle de la campagne pour la mairie de Londre
Indecision internationale - London mayoral election
American spin doctors have become masters at sanding down any politician's hard spiky edges we normally refer to as "personality" so not even a timid-but-closed-minded field mouse with a heart murmur is offended. The only way Presidential candidates now differentiate themselves in the mind of the voter is by being black, female or Yoda.
Even so, the candidates for Mayor of London -- the most powerful directly-elected position in the country -- are as mad as a sackful of badgers. The incumbent candidate is maverick Labour Party politician Ken Livingstone (left, above), a never-married newt-loving hardline socialist with five children from three women, a penchant for comparing Jewish reporters to concentration camp guards and saying random things like "I just long for the day I wake up and find that the Saudi royal family are swinging from lampposts."
American spin doctors have become masters at sanding down any politician's hard spiky edges we normally refer to as "personality" so not even a timid-but-closed-minded field mouse with a heart murmur is offended. The only way Presidential candidates now differentiate themselves in the mind of the voter is by being black, female or Yoda.
Even so, the candidates for Mayor of London -- the most powerful directly-elected position in the country -- are as mad as a sackful of badgers. The incumbent candidate is maverick Labour Party politician Ken Livingstone (left, above), a never-married newt-loving hardline socialist with five children from three women, a penchant for comparing Jewish reporters to concentration camp guards and saying random things like "I just long for the day I wake up and find that the Saudi royal family are swinging from lampposts."
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Dépendance à Internet
Web 2.0 exposition : Torture by information overload
Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Plaxo may have helped foster community and communication, but they've also added immensely to the flow of often-interruptive messages that their users receive, leading to information overload and possibly a nasty internet addiction.
"We have people calling on a weekly if not daily basis," says Libby Smith, a corporate clinician for the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, which helps treat internet addicts. "If somebody engages in the use of an application compulsively, we get calls about it. There isn't one application that's good or bad, but if people are unable or unwilling to stop using it, that's what we look at as a red flag for an intervention."
Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Plaxo may have helped foster community and communication, but they've also added immensely to the flow of often-interruptive messages that their users receive, leading to information overload and possibly a nasty internet addiction.
"We have people calling on a weekly if not daily basis," says Libby Smith, a corporate clinician for the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, which helps treat internet addicts. "If somebody engages in the use of an application compulsively, we get calls about it. There isn't one application that's good or bad, but if people are unable or unwilling to stop using it, that's what we look at as a red flag for an intervention."
Monday, April 21, 2008
L'histoire d'un homme coincé dans un ascenceur pendant 40 heures
Up and then down
Loading up an empty elevator car with discarded Christmas trees, pressing the button for the top floor, then throwing in a match, so that by the time the car reaches the top it is ablaze with heat so intense that the alloy (called “babbitt”) connecting the cables to the car melts, and the car, a fireball now, plunges into the pit: this practice, apparently popular in New York City housing projects, is inadvisable.
In most elevators, at least in any built or installed since the early nineties, the door-close button doesn’t work. It is there mainly to make you think it works. (It does work if, say, a fireman needs to take control. But you need a key, and a fire, to do that.) Once you know this, it can be illuminating to watch people compulsively press the door-close button. That the door eventually closes reinforces their belief in the button’s power. It’s a little like prayer
Loading up an empty elevator car with discarded Christmas trees, pressing the button for the top floor, then throwing in a match, so that by the time the car reaches the top it is ablaze with heat so intense that the alloy (called “babbitt”) connecting the cables to the car melts, and the car, a fireball now, plunges into the pit: this practice, apparently popular in New York City housing projects, is inadvisable.
In most elevators, at least in any built or installed since the early nineties, the door-close button doesn’t work. It is there mainly to make you think it works. (It does work if, say, a fireman needs to take control. But you need a key, and a fire, to do that.) Once you know this, it can be illuminating to watch people compulsively press the door-close button. That the door eventually closes reinforces their belief in the button’s power. It’s a little like prayer
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Comment changer le gout du sperme
Jizz taste test
Une "journaliste" fait manger différents ingrédients à son mari pour voir en quoi cela change le gout de son sperme.
Une "journaliste" fait manger différents ingrédients à son mari pour voir en quoi cela change le gout de son sperme.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Alicia Keys - Conspirationniste
During an interview with Blender Magazine, Alicia lets off a few conspiracy theories including the statement "`Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap' didn't exist."
Another of her theories: That the bicoastal feud between slain rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled "by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing."
Alicia Keys from an interview in Blender (April 2008)
Another of her theories: That the bicoastal feud between slain rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled "by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing."
Alicia Keys from an interview in Blender (April 2008)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Street Art - Blek le Rat
Blek le Rat interview
Un des pionniers du street art en France et une des grandes influences de Bansky.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Quote of the day
Teufel's Tomb - Brain Drill review
Seriously, throw a stone at random in their direction and you're guaranteed to hit someone who works at McDonald's and knocked up his own sister.
Seriously, throw a stone at random in their direction and you're guaranteed to hit someone who works at McDonald's and knocked up his own sister.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Murakami - Une courte biographie
Brookyn Museum exhibition
Born in Tokyo in 1962, Murakami is one of the most influential and acclaimed artists to have emerged from Asia in the late twentieth century, creating a wide-ranging body of work that consciously bridges fine art, design, animation, fashion, and popular culture. He received a Ph.D. from the prestigious Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where he was trained in the school of traditional Japanese painting known as Nihonga, a nineteenth-century mixture of Western and Eastern styles. However, the prevailing popularity of anime (animation) and manga (comic books) directed his interest toward the art of animation because, as he has said, “it was more representative of modern day Japanese life.” American popular culture in the form of animation, comics, and fashion are among the influences on his work, which includes painting, sculpture, installation, and animation, as well as a wide range of collectibles, multiples, and commercial products.
Liens pour le mémoire
Estimation des ventes pour le mois de février 2008
Dark Horse inks deal with Universal : Un lien de plus entre Hollywood et le monde du comics indépendant, preuve du besoin des compagnies de vendre leur license à un autre média pour trouver des fonds.
Dark Horse inks deal with Universal : Un lien de plus entre Hollywood et le monde du comics indépendant, preuve du besoin des compagnies de vendre leur license à un autre média pour trouver des fonds.
DKNY & Paul Pope
Strip search - Paul Pope
Paul Pope se lance dans le design de fringue (tee shirt et sweet shirt).
Paul Pope se lance dans le design de fringue (tee shirt et sweet shirt).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Interview Aesop Rock
Fecal face - Interview with Aesop Rock
It's no secret that Fecal Face is good friends with Mr. Jeremy Fish. We love him and the work he does. It's a good time for Mr. Fish. He's about to drop a nice healthy solo show at Fifty24SF. He's just completed a series of boards with Element. He just completed a short film directed by our buddy Mr. Irving and Eric Noren. AND he just completed a collaboration with acclamied MC Aesop Rock from Def Jux (images from the book down below). Below is an interview with him. We'd like to know more about this talented fellow. We know enough about those other dudes. Let's see what makes Aesop Rock... rock.
It's no secret that Fecal Face is good friends with Mr. Jeremy Fish. We love him and the work he does. It's a good time for Mr. Fish. He's about to drop a nice healthy solo show at Fifty24SF. He's just completed a series of boards with Element. He just completed a short film directed by our buddy Mr. Irving and Eric Noren. AND he just completed a collaboration with acclamied MC Aesop Rock from Def Jux (images from the book down below). Below is an interview with him. We'd like to know more about this talented fellow. We know enough about those other dudes. Let's see what makes Aesop Rock... rock.
Decision juridique sur les droits de Superman
The Siegel Superman decision
After seventy years, Jerome Siegel’s heirs regain what he granted so long ago – the copyright in the Superman material that was published in Action Comics Vol. 1. What remains is an apportionment of profits, guided in some measure by the rulings contained in this Order, and a trial on whether to include the profits generated by DC Comics’ corporate sibling’s exploitation of the Superman copyright.
The dramatic sounding nature of the final paragraph of the opinion has to be put in context though. The opinion doesn’t cover Schuster’s interests, which are not subject to Section 304(c) termination, but rather a future 304(d) termination. Nor does the opinion reach the work for hire question for anything after the (justly famous and important) Action Comics Vol. 1 published on April 18, 1938 – the collateral estoppel applied on work for hire only covers Action Comics Vol. 1. Finally, there are very thorny issues of apportionment. All of these issues are likely to be the subject of subsequent motions and possibly trial.
After seventy years, Jerome Siegel’s heirs regain what he granted so long ago – the copyright in the Superman material that was published in Action Comics Vol. 1. What remains is an apportionment of profits, guided in some measure by the rulings contained in this Order, and a trial on whether to include the profits generated by DC Comics’ corporate sibling’s exploitation of the Superman copyright.
The dramatic sounding nature of the final paragraph of the opinion has to be put in context though. The opinion doesn’t cover Schuster’s interests, which are not subject to Section 304(c) termination, but rather a future 304(d) termination. Nor does the opinion reach the work for hire question for anything after the (justly famous and important) Action Comics Vol. 1 published on April 18, 1938 – the collateral estoppel applied on work for hire only covers Action Comics Vol. 1. Finally, there are very thorny issues of apportionment. All of these issues are likely to be the subject of subsequent motions and possibly trial.
Une faille de sécurité majeur sur la plupart des systèmes informatiques
Bruce Sterling - SANS says your computer back door is wide open
Hundreds of millions of devices are being placed on networks with built-in back doors. Printers, routers, computers, control systems, storage systems, medical devices, nearly every automated device has them.
The manufacturers of these systems never told you how vulnerable you are. One victim said "It's as if the people who are supposed to help me put a big sign on my door saying 'the key is under the mat by the back door,' and anyone can come in and violate me and my family." These vulnerable back doors were installed to allow remote management; they are fully functioning processors with network connections, operating systems, and memory. In addition to being able to disable the device, in many cases they provide remote back-door access to the main CPU and storage of the computer or other device. They may not be logged or monitored and therefore can be attacked repeatedly without fear of being caught.
Similar functions are provided on UNIX systems, and on printers and medical devices and other appliances but are often not called BMCs. This research project is designed to develop detailed technical procurement language that organizations can use to ensure these back doors are "closed and locked" when the devices are delivered. These back doors have already been implicated as attackers in successful denial of service tools and can be used to access and change the data being processed by the devices.
Hundreds of millions of devices are being placed on networks with built-in back doors. Printers, routers, computers, control systems, storage systems, medical devices, nearly every automated device has them.
The manufacturers of these systems never told you how vulnerable you are. One victim said "It's as if the people who are supposed to help me put a big sign on my door saying 'the key is under the mat by the back door,' and anyone can come in and violate me and my family." These vulnerable back doors were installed to allow remote management; they are fully functioning processors with network connections, operating systems, and memory. In addition to being able to disable the device, in many cases they provide remote back-door access to the main CPU and storage of the computer or other device. They may not be logged or monitored and therefore can be attacked repeatedly without fear of being caught.
Similar functions are provided on UNIX systems, and on printers and medical devices and other appliances but are often not called BMCs. This research project is designed to develop detailed technical procurement language that organizations can use to ensure these back doors are "closed and locked" when the devices are delivered. These back doors have already been implicated as attackers in successful denial of service tools and can be used to access and change the data being processed by the devices.
Les suicides dans le métro londonien
London - One unders
I once saw a woman throw herself under a train. I noticed her sitting on a bench at the platform. As a train approached and the wind picked up, she jumped down to the rails and ran towards the tunnel. People screamed and the train braked hard, but nothing could prevent two hundred tons of metal from mashing her into track pizza. Over 100 people die this way every year. Tube drivers refer to them as "one Unders.
"I don’t know if it’s bravado or what, but some tube drivers are like, 'Oh, I can’t wait until I get a one under,' because you can get sick leave for six months on full pay. These people aren’t fussed: There’s blood all over the front of the train, the person underneath is screaming, the police and ambulance are there, and the driver will just be sitting there reading the paper and eating their sandwiches. It doesn’t seem to have any affect.
"The worst one under story I’ve ever heard is not embellished, because I know the bloke who was on the train. He was an instructor—my instructor when I started actually—and was in the train, but he wasn’t driving it. He was just riding in the front. A lot of the time, if the trains are packed, you’ll ride in front with the driver. He said they were on the Northern Line, going quite fast, and he’s chatting to the driver. As they come into the platform there’s a woman, stark naked, standing in front of them in a crucifix pose. Obviously, they hit her and killed her. At the inquest it turned out she was a schizophrenic. She’d gone to the station, stripped off, folded up all her clothes really neatly, wandered into the tunnel, and just stood there, waiting.
"Another instructor I know said he was up in Northfields really early on a Saturday morning with no one on the platform. Suddenly there was this woman there. He looked at her because she was quite good-looking. As he got up close to her, she held her nose (like you do when you jump in the water) and jumped in front of him. He went right over her. Turns out she had mental health issues too.
"One of the things with one unders is, when people get hit, one would assume they'd die instantly, but about half the time they don’t. People sometimes mis-time their jumps and end up in that gap under the rails. Some folks call them suicide pits because the body falls in there, but other people say that’s complete rubbish and the gap is for waste paper and litter.
A couple of nights ago an instructor told me about a one under at Heathrow. It was packed with tourists and some bloke got down and lay across the rails. He wasn’t electrocuted because his clothing probably insulated him. As you can imagine, there was absolute pandemonium. Then the train came into the station, not particularly fast, and hit the bloke. The driver is really shook up. All of a sudden, he starts hearing noises coming from underneath and the bloke comes walking out. What had happened was the train had hit him and knocked him into the suicide pit. There’s not a mark on him. There’s always lots of police about at Heathrow and they asked him, “What are you doing?” He almost seemed embarrassed. “Oh, I’m really sorry. I’ll go home now.” They couldn’t believe it.
I once saw a woman throw herself under a train. I noticed her sitting on a bench at the platform. As a train approached and the wind picked up, she jumped down to the rails and ran towards the tunnel. People screamed and the train braked hard, but nothing could prevent two hundred tons of metal from mashing her into track pizza. Over 100 people die this way every year. Tube drivers refer to them as "one Unders.
"I don’t know if it’s bravado or what, but some tube drivers are like, 'Oh, I can’t wait until I get a one under,' because you can get sick leave for six months on full pay. These people aren’t fussed: There’s blood all over the front of the train, the person underneath is screaming, the police and ambulance are there, and the driver will just be sitting there reading the paper and eating their sandwiches. It doesn’t seem to have any affect.
"The worst one under story I’ve ever heard is not embellished, because I know the bloke who was on the train. He was an instructor—my instructor when I started actually—and was in the train, but he wasn’t driving it. He was just riding in the front. A lot of the time, if the trains are packed, you’ll ride in front with the driver. He said they were on the Northern Line, going quite fast, and he’s chatting to the driver. As they come into the platform there’s a woman, stark naked, standing in front of them in a crucifix pose. Obviously, they hit her and killed her. At the inquest it turned out she was a schizophrenic. She’d gone to the station, stripped off, folded up all her clothes really neatly, wandered into the tunnel, and just stood there, waiting.
"Another instructor I know said he was up in Northfields really early on a Saturday morning with no one on the platform. Suddenly there was this woman there. He looked at her because she was quite good-looking. As he got up close to her, she held her nose (like you do when you jump in the water) and jumped in front of him. He went right over her. Turns out she had mental health issues too.
"One of the things with one unders is, when people get hit, one would assume they'd die instantly, but about half the time they don’t. People sometimes mis-time their jumps and end up in that gap under the rails. Some folks call them suicide pits because the body falls in there, but other people say that’s complete rubbish and the gap is for waste paper and litter.
A couple of nights ago an instructor told me about a one under at Heathrow. It was packed with tourists and some bloke got down and lay across the rails. He wasn’t electrocuted because his clothing probably insulated him. As you can imagine, there was absolute pandemonium. Then the train came into the station, not particularly fast, and hit the bloke. The driver is really shook up. All of a sudden, he starts hearing noises coming from underneath and the bloke comes walking out. What had happened was the train had hit him and knocked him into the suicide pit. There’s not a mark on him. There’s always lots of police about at Heathrow and they asked him, “What are you doing?” He almost seemed embarrassed. “Oh, I’m really sorry. I’ll go home now.” They couldn’t believe it.
Friday, March 28, 2008
the Dillinger Escape Plan - On singing
Greg Pucciato at Metalsucks
Yeah. And it’s cool, ‘cause for me as a singer, screaming’s fun, but I don’t walk around the house screaming.
Greg Pucciato - the Dillinger Escape Plan
Yeah. And it’s cool, ‘cause for me as a singer, screaming’s fun, but I don’t walk around the house screaming.
Greg Pucciato - the Dillinger Escape Plan
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Kenji Miyazawa (poète japonais) 1896 - 1933
Les artistes professionnels doivent disparaître tout à fait. Tout un chacun doit donner libre cours à sa sensibilité artistique.
Kenji Miyazawa
Kenji Miyazawa
Dasai fashion
Next, part of a 2-page spread on "what is wrong with your body and how much it will cost to fix it."
Friday, February 29, 2008
Le futur des sites de social networking
Appleseed : Social networking future
While building Appleseed, I realized just how simple it was to get two "nodes" to communicate. It became a matter of a simple behind-the-scenes request which returned a small XML file. It became apparent to me that the reason that we don't have communication between social networking sites had nothing to do with technological constrants, and was a purely economic decision on the part of existing sites. Almost all major social networking sites business models are centered on having the largest userbase possible, and user lock-in is a major part of that. By restricting your ability to interact with outside sites, they also restrict your ability to choose another site and still maintain your relationships and ability to contact your friends.
The whole situation we're in makes no sense in the context of the way the internet was meant to operate. Concentrating user bases into centralized locations and locking them in seems more like the early 90's and the way Compuserve, AOL, and the like attempted to use walled gardens to monopolize the internet. The natural evolution is an open, distributed standard. A sort of SMTP for social networking, which allows any node to fully connect to any other node. Would people put up with an email address at which could only email other users? Of course not, and the same standard should be applied to social networking.
While building Appleseed, I realized just how simple it was to get two "nodes" to communicate. It became a matter of a simple behind-the-scenes request which returned a small XML file. It became apparent to me that the reason that we don't have communication between social networking sites had nothing to do with technological constrants, and was a purely economic decision on the part of existing sites. Almost all major social networking sites business models are centered on having the largest userbase possible, and user lock-in is a major part of that. By restricting your ability to interact with outside sites, they also restrict your ability to choose another site and still maintain your relationships and ability to contact your friends.
The whole situation we're in makes no sense in the context of the way the internet was meant to operate. Concentrating user bases into centralized locations and locking them in seems more like the early 90's and the way Compuserve, AOL, and the like attempted to use walled gardens to monopolize the internet. The natural evolution is an open, distributed standard. A sort of SMTP for social networking, which allows any node to fully connect to any other node. Would people put up with an email address at which could only email other users? Of course not, and the same standard should be applied to social networking.
Japon - Repression des night clubs pour éliminer la prostitution
Footloose revisited
Just as you can’t stamp out prostitution without eradicating poverty, you will never rid the world of drugs until you rid it first of boredom. The government should see drug use in nightclubs as the theoretical equivalent of its own fuzoku eigyoho— unstoppable, victimless crimes taking place in a contained area. Arresting someone with a tab of ecstasy at Womb isn’t going to halt the bushels of it coming in from North Korea, nor is closing down the club after the fact. Crack down at the harbors, crack down at the airports, crack down on the myriad dealers at work outside of Tokyo’s nightclubs, which, although bursting with drugs, are the safest of any city in the world.
These raids are not about morals, they’re about expulsion. If clubbers are scared away, clubs will shut down and be replaced with “respectable” establishments and their “respectable” clients, making Tokyo a more “respectable” city. If that is indeed the real goal, then expect these illogical laws and their arbitrary enforcement to continue. Add to this a governor who likely views the end of dancing as a surefire way to get rid of blacks, and you’re left with a ticking clock.
Just as you can’t stamp out prostitution without eradicating poverty, you will never rid the world of drugs until you rid it first of boredom. The government should see drug use in nightclubs as the theoretical equivalent of its own fuzoku eigyoho— unstoppable, victimless crimes taking place in a contained area. Arresting someone with a tab of ecstasy at Womb isn’t going to halt the bushels of it coming in from North Korea, nor is closing down the club after the fact. Crack down at the harbors, crack down at the airports, crack down on the myriad dealers at work outside of Tokyo’s nightclubs, which, although bursting with drugs, are the safest of any city in the world.
These raids are not about morals, they’re about expulsion. If clubbers are scared away, clubs will shut down and be replaced with “respectable” establishments and their “respectable” clients, making Tokyo a more “respectable” city. If that is indeed the real goal, then expect these illogical laws and their arbitrary enforcement to continue. Add to this a governor who likely views the end of dancing as a surefire way to get rid of blacks, and you’re left with a ticking clock.
Système éducatif au Japon
The 30 percent solution
It’s simple. Higher standards will generate higher achievement. Currently, the standards at Japanese high schools are sickeningly low.
In order to get into most universities in Japan, students need a letter of recommendation, a pass on an entrance exam, or a successful interview. That’s it. While some universities have more stringent guidelines and need to see impressive grades from prospective students, most attach greater significance to one-time exams and letters of recommendation, which are granted not only too easily, but too early as well. Our recommendation letters were sent out in September, which means students have already gotten all they need from their schools with three months of classes left.
Japanese kids aren’t lazy. The work and dedication they put into their extracurricular activities—participating in “clubs,” running booths at open-campus events, learning moves for school-wide dance competitions—are incredible. Children of any age will put gallons of sweat into something if they are going to gain from it, so the connection between effort and benefit needs to be made tangible because at that age most kids will not see it on their own. Such lack of perspective will always be a cornerstone of youth. It should not be the hallmark of this country’s Education Ministry.
It’s simple. Higher standards will generate higher achievement. Currently, the standards at Japanese high schools are sickeningly low.
In order to get into most universities in Japan, students need a letter of recommendation, a pass on an entrance exam, or a successful interview. That’s it. While some universities have more stringent guidelines and need to see impressive grades from prospective students, most attach greater significance to one-time exams and letters of recommendation, which are granted not only too easily, but too early as well. Our recommendation letters were sent out in September, which means students have already gotten all they need from their schools with three months of classes left.
Japanese kids aren’t lazy. The work and dedication they put into their extracurricular activities—participating in “clubs,” running booths at open-campus events, learning moves for school-wide dance competitions—are incredible. Children of any age will put gallons of sweat into something if they are going to gain from it, so the connection between effort and benefit needs to be made tangible because at that age most kids will not see it on their own. Such lack of perspective will always be a cornerstone of youth. It should not be the hallmark of this country’s Education Ministry.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Vargr - Interview pour projet black metal
Pitchfork - Interview de Vargr (de Nordvargr et MZ412 entre autre)
Vargr is the Swedish musician Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk, maybe known best for his work in the blackened industrial band MZ.412, but also through Folkstorm, Toroidh, and various collaborations under his given name. Northern Black Supremacy is an iced, atmospheric, Charles Manson-sampling collection of creepy, noisy black metal: Think WOLD and Blut Aus Nord but via early snarling Darkthrone and Ildjarn. The album's slogan: "Worship. Kill. Die."
Pitchfork: I saw a discussion at Encyclopedia Metallum in which people were arguing whether or not what you do in Vargr is metal. Some saw it as noise. You've done recordings with Merzbow, and of course MZ.412 and other non-metal projects. Where do you see Vargr fitting into things genre-wise?
Nordvargr: I'd call it metal. Maybe a bit on the noisy side of things, but still some form of metal. It's not that important really; I find it amusing that people even debate it.
Pitchfork: Please explain the phrase "True Black Nekronoise Metal," which you use to describe your sound.
Nordvargr: Me and Lasse Marhaug coined that when we recorded our Marvargr album... I think it is a perfect description.
Pitchfork: Drakh [note: his MZ.412 collaborator] plays guest guitar on the record. Do you think you two will always collaborate?
Nordvargr: Probably. We are as close as you can get when it comes to creating music.
Pitchfork: Can you tell me a bit about the album title, Northern Black Supremacy? How do the intro and outro work? Is this a concept album? There's obviously an anti-Christian sentiment running through it. I'm interested in the stories behind "Three Days For The King Of Jews" and "Chris Deflowered". What's the concept behind these tracks? No mercy?
Nordvargr: Northern Black Supremacy is not really a concept album, but I have tried to tie the tracks together so when listening to the whole album, there are some calmer parts to allow you to catch your breath. The overall theme is anti-religious-- not exclusively anti-Christian (as someone else said "three weeds from the same root"). "Three days..." and "Christ deflowered" both deals with humiliation and disgust for christian morals.
Pitchfork: I'm also interested in "Bring Forth The Ways Of Old"-- How does the title connect to the damp swampy sounds? "Nature Defines Order Through War" has a march to it, which is more obvious.
Nordvargr: The title "Bring Forth The Ways Of Old" just came to me when recording it. To me it represents the urge of the blood, or blood memory, that is in all of us, the urge that evokes grand feelings that you just can't explain. If you have experienced it you know what I mean.
Pitchfork: Are you familiar with other noise-centered black metal bands like WOLD and Blut Aus Nord? Are you a fan? What do you listen to?
Nordvargr: I have heard both of the above, and WOLD is OK, but I really dont get B.A.N. Right now I am absorbed by the Blaze Birth Hall bands; Branikald, Nitberg and Forest. Other bands on frequent rotation right now are Tenebrous, Wolfnacht, V.A.C.K., Korgonthurus, and Akitsa.
Pitchfork: This new album seems to me to be more about textures and landscapes than grooves. How do you go about writing these songs? How carefully are they composed? How much improvisation is there?
Nordvargr: I really am not a good guitarist nor a great composer. I always improvise around some riffs/sounds and just record what comes out. That has always been my modus operandi. If it turns out bad I just delete it.
Pitchfork: You're in the tradition of the one-man black metal band. Why did you decide to record as a solo musician?
Nordvargr: In Sweden we say "Själv är bäste dräng", I guess I am my best friend and company. (With a few exceptions of course-- Drakh, Ulvtharm, Marhaug, etc etc etc...)
Pitchfork: Thoughts on Nifelheim? The Swedish scene in general?
Nordvargr: Nifelheim rocks. That's all I can say. Actually forgot to write them in the question above-- Envoy Of Lucifer is brilliant. I don't have much contact with any people from the scene nowadays, so I really can't comment. The most interesting scene for me right now is the Russian.
Pitchfork: So far you've had a really varied musical path. What are your next plans?
Nordvargr: Just finished the Nordvargr Helvete album (on Eternal Pride spring 2008), which features vocal appearances by Wrest/Leviathan among others. The follow-up to Northern Black Supremacy [note: Storm Of Northern Evil] is out on Total Holocaust Records. A split CD with Silva Nigra/Vargr will also be released by Ravenheart Productions. Also, [I] finished a collab with Drakh and Cordell Klier due for release on OEC mid 2008. Other plans for this year is to finish the Partikel trilogy with Merzbow, record another Goatvargr album, and wrap up the doom-ambient monster thing I am recording right now. That's about it. Not much really.
Northern Black Supremecy is out on 20 Buck Spin. For more info on Bjorkk, check out his MySpace, though he plans to discontinue it soon it seems, so also check here.
Vargr is the Swedish musician Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk, maybe known best for his work in the blackened industrial band MZ.412, but also through Folkstorm, Toroidh, and various collaborations under his given name. Northern Black Supremacy is an iced, atmospheric, Charles Manson-sampling collection of creepy, noisy black metal: Think WOLD and Blut Aus Nord but via early snarling Darkthrone and Ildjarn. The album's slogan: "Worship. Kill. Die."
Pitchfork: I saw a discussion at Encyclopedia Metallum in which people were arguing whether or not what you do in Vargr is metal. Some saw it as noise. You've done recordings with Merzbow, and of course MZ.412 and other non-metal projects. Where do you see Vargr fitting into things genre-wise?
Nordvargr: I'd call it metal. Maybe a bit on the noisy side of things, but still some form of metal. It's not that important really; I find it amusing that people even debate it.
Pitchfork: Please explain the phrase "True Black Nekronoise Metal," which you use to describe your sound.
Nordvargr: Me and Lasse Marhaug coined that when we recorded our Marvargr album... I think it is a perfect description.
Pitchfork: Drakh [note: his MZ.412 collaborator] plays guest guitar on the record. Do you think you two will always collaborate?
Nordvargr: Probably. We are as close as you can get when it comes to creating music.
Pitchfork: Can you tell me a bit about the album title, Northern Black Supremacy? How do the intro and outro work? Is this a concept album? There's obviously an anti-Christian sentiment running through it. I'm interested in the stories behind "Three Days For The King Of Jews" and "Chris Deflowered". What's the concept behind these tracks? No mercy?
Nordvargr: Northern Black Supremacy is not really a concept album, but I have tried to tie the tracks together so when listening to the whole album, there are some calmer parts to allow you to catch your breath. The overall theme is anti-religious-- not exclusively anti-Christian (as someone else said "three weeds from the same root"). "Three days..." and "Christ deflowered" both deals with humiliation and disgust for christian morals.
Pitchfork: I'm also interested in "Bring Forth The Ways Of Old"-- How does the title connect to the damp swampy sounds? "Nature Defines Order Through War" has a march to it, which is more obvious.
Nordvargr: The title "Bring Forth The Ways Of Old" just came to me when recording it. To me it represents the urge of the blood, or blood memory, that is in all of us, the urge that evokes grand feelings that you just can't explain. If you have experienced it you know what I mean.
Pitchfork: Are you familiar with other noise-centered black metal bands like WOLD and Blut Aus Nord? Are you a fan? What do you listen to?
Nordvargr: I have heard both of the above, and WOLD is OK, but I really dont get B.A.N. Right now I am absorbed by the Blaze Birth Hall bands; Branikald, Nitberg and Forest. Other bands on frequent rotation right now are Tenebrous, Wolfnacht, V.A.C.K., Korgonthurus, and Akitsa.
Pitchfork: This new album seems to me to be more about textures and landscapes than grooves. How do you go about writing these songs? How carefully are they composed? How much improvisation is there?
Nordvargr: I really am not a good guitarist nor a great composer. I always improvise around some riffs/sounds and just record what comes out. That has always been my modus operandi. If it turns out bad I just delete it.
Pitchfork: You're in the tradition of the one-man black metal band. Why did you decide to record as a solo musician?
Nordvargr: In Sweden we say "Själv är bäste dräng", I guess I am my best friend and company. (With a few exceptions of course-- Drakh, Ulvtharm, Marhaug, etc etc etc...)
Pitchfork: Thoughts on Nifelheim? The Swedish scene in general?
Nordvargr: Nifelheim rocks. That's all I can say. Actually forgot to write them in the question above-- Envoy Of Lucifer is brilliant. I don't have much contact with any people from the scene nowadays, so I really can't comment. The most interesting scene for me right now is the Russian.
Pitchfork: So far you've had a really varied musical path. What are your next plans?
Nordvargr: Just finished the Nordvargr Helvete album (on Eternal Pride spring 2008), which features vocal appearances by Wrest/Leviathan among others. The follow-up to Northern Black Supremacy [note: Storm Of Northern Evil] is out on Total Holocaust Records. A split CD with Silva Nigra/Vargr will also be released by Ravenheart Productions. Also, [I] finished a collab with Drakh and Cordell Klier due for release on OEC mid 2008. Other plans for this year is to finish the Partikel trilogy with Merzbow, record another Goatvargr album, and wrap up the doom-ambient monster thing I am recording right now. That's about it. Not much really.
Northern Black Supremecy is out on 20 Buck Spin. For more info on Bjorkk, check out his MySpace, though he plans to discontinue it soon it seems, so also check here.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Starkweather et la France
Remi Resmini (Starkweather) fait le tour de ce qu'il aime dans le paysage musical français (et même un peu de porno à la fin).
Remi Resmini (Starkweather) fait le tour de ce qu'il aime dans le paysage musical français (et même un peu de porno à la fin).
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Modification corporelle : comment je me suis coupé la main
One hand Jason
Let me be blunt — I staged an accident. Nobody’s doubting it, and my friends and family, so many folks, came together for me back then, raised a lotta money, prayed, and said such sweet, loving things. There’s no way I want enough details to get out there that they could connect up me with my ‘accident’, with the person you’re interviewing, who’s voluntary.
I don’t want to be hugely specific, but I used a very sharp power tool, after having tried out different methods of crushing and cutting. I know first aid so I was able to stop the bleeding with pressure, but I was worried that I could pass out and not call for help and lose too much blood. No worries, though, I guess I’m in good enough shape that I didn’t even feel dizzy.
My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do. I did experiments with animal legs I got from a butcher. It’s lucky I thought of that, because some of my early attempts were total fuck ups and would have ended up with a damaged hand which might have had to undergo years of painful reconstruction, and worse yet, no amputation.
One real weird sensation was to run my fingertip from the top to the bottom of my stump, across the scar. It felt like I was running my fingertip right through my arm!
Yeah, it’s a biggie. For sure it’s not rational to want to cut off your arm or leg. There’s no argument you can make that life will be easier, or that you’ll be more capable doing anything. Even though a hook can do some things that a bare hand can’t, a hand holding a tool can always do everything a hook can, and so much more. Even though you can run in prosthetic legs that give you a mechanical advantage, you can’t compete with those.
Let me be blunt — I staged an accident. Nobody’s doubting it, and my friends and family, so many folks, came together for me back then, raised a lotta money, prayed, and said such sweet, loving things. There’s no way I want enough details to get out there that they could connect up me with my ‘accident’, with the person you’re interviewing, who’s voluntary.
I don’t want to be hugely specific, but I used a very sharp power tool, after having tried out different methods of crushing and cutting. I know first aid so I was able to stop the bleeding with pressure, but I was worried that I could pass out and not call for help and lose too much blood. No worries, though, I guess I’m in good enough shape that I didn’t even feel dizzy.
My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do. I did experiments with animal legs I got from a butcher. It’s lucky I thought of that, because some of my early attempts were total fuck ups and would have ended up with a damaged hand which might have had to undergo years of painful reconstruction, and worse yet, no amputation.
One real weird sensation was to run my fingertip from the top to the bottom of my stump, across the scar. It felt like I was running my fingertip right through my arm!
Yeah, it’s a biggie. For sure it’s not rational to want to cut off your arm or leg. There’s no argument you can make that life will be easier, or that you’ll be more capable doing anything. Even though a hook can do some things that a bare hand can’t, a hand holding a tool can always do everything a hook can, and so much more. Even though you can run in prosthetic legs that give you a mechanical advantage, you can’t compete with those.
Des voleurs en pont en République Tchèque et en Russie
Czech police wonder where bridge has gone ?
Police in the Czech republic are trying to find out who stole a 4 tonne railway bridge from the border town of Cheb.
Of course, it's not the first time some light-fingered bridge enthusiast has made off with a bridge. At least two bridges have been nicked in Russia in the past six months, and a pair of bridge thieves appropriated two Macedonian bridges last February.
Police in the Czech republic are trying to find out who stole a 4 tonne railway bridge from the border town of Cheb.
Of course, it's not the first time some light-fingered bridge enthusiast has made off with a bridge. At least two bridges have been nicked in Russia in the past six months, and a pair of bridge thieves appropriated two Macedonian bridges last February.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Preuve de l'existence de pouvoir psychique ?
Has the military found proof that we are all psychic ?
Startling as it may seem, the results of Dr Roe’s experiments suggest that it is indeed possible to project your “mind’s eye” to a distant location and observe what is going on - even if that place is hundreds of miles away.
In fact, Dr Roe’s results suggest that up to 85 percent of people possess the psychic power of clairvoyance – or the ability to remote view in technical parlance. They provide the strongest evidence yet for such psychic powers and may help explain the skills shown by mediums and account for such phenomena as ESP and déjà vu. And it would appear that we can all sharpen our psychic skills with only a modicum of training.
Such results follow on from the release of formerly top secret military papers revealing that the armies of several countries have used clairvoyants – or remote viewers - to gather intelligence.
The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the Ganzfeld technique. They induced an altered state of consciousness by seating themselves in a sound proof room and wearing earphones playing white noise. Ping pong balls sliced in half were placed over their eyes to obscure vision. The whole room was then bathed in soft red light.
The map coordinates of the ‘target’ would be written on a piece of paper, placed in an envelope and handed to the viewer. He would be allowed to touch the envelope but forbidden to open it. Alternatively, pictures of the target location would be sealed in the envelope. The remote viewers would then slip into a light meditative trance and their “minds eye” would be drawn to the target location. Pictures, feelings and impressions would then drift into their minds from the target, which might be located thousands of miles away.
To an outsider, this approach might appear to produce only hopelessly vague results that were no better than guesswork. But the scientists investigating remote viewing found them to be surprisingly accurate and the military found them useful too.
Word of America’s experiments with the paranormal spread to the UK and the Metropolitan Police were one of the first to informally use remote viewers to tackle crime. One of their most useful informants was Nella Jones, who first came to their attention when she located the stolen Vermeer painting The Guitar Player in 1974.
Nella was ironing some clothes and idly watching the television when her mind suddenly focused on the whereabouts of the painting. She hurriedly sketched it out and took it to the police who were understandably sceptical. Having nothing else to go on they decided to follow her leads. The painting was eventually recovered as a result of the information she gave them.
It would be easy to dismiss Nella’s guidance to the police as just blind luck. Easy, that is, if she hadn’t spent the following 20 years helping them ensnare murderers and other serious offenders.
Information trouvé sur Newsmonster, un site spécialisé dans le paranormal
Startling as it may seem, the results of Dr Roe’s experiments suggest that it is indeed possible to project your “mind’s eye” to a distant location and observe what is going on - even if that place is hundreds of miles away.
In fact, Dr Roe’s results suggest that up to 85 percent of people possess the psychic power of clairvoyance – or the ability to remote view in technical parlance. They provide the strongest evidence yet for such psychic powers and may help explain the skills shown by mediums and account for such phenomena as ESP and déjà vu. And it would appear that we can all sharpen our psychic skills with only a modicum of training.
Such results follow on from the release of formerly top secret military papers revealing that the armies of several countries have used clairvoyants – or remote viewers - to gather intelligence.
The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the Ganzfeld technique. They induced an altered state of consciousness by seating themselves in a sound proof room and wearing earphones playing white noise. Ping pong balls sliced in half were placed over their eyes to obscure vision. The whole room was then bathed in soft red light.
The map coordinates of the ‘target’ would be written on a piece of paper, placed in an envelope and handed to the viewer. He would be allowed to touch the envelope but forbidden to open it. Alternatively, pictures of the target location would be sealed in the envelope. The remote viewers would then slip into a light meditative trance and their “minds eye” would be drawn to the target location. Pictures, feelings and impressions would then drift into their minds from the target, which might be located thousands of miles away.
To an outsider, this approach might appear to produce only hopelessly vague results that were no better than guesswork. But the scientists investigating remote viewing found them to be surprisingly accurate and the military found them useful too.
Word of America’s experiments with the paranormal spread to the UK and the Metropolitan Police were one of the first to informally use remote viewers to tackle crime. One of their most useful informants was Nella Jones, who first came to their attention when she located the stolen Vermeer painting The Guitar Player in 1974.
Nella was ironing some clothes and idly watching the television when her mind suddenly focused on the whereabouts of the painting. She hurriedly sketched it out and took it to the police who were understandably sceptical. Having nothing else to go on they decided to follow her leads. The painting was eventually recovered as a result of the information she gave them.
It would be easy to dismiss Nella’s guidance to the police as just blind luck. Easy, that is, if she hadn’t spent the following 20 years helping them ensnare murderers and other serious offenders.
Information trouvé sur Newsmonster, un site spécialisé dans le paranormal
Monday, February 18, 2008
William Faulkner à propos de l'écriture
On writing, Faulkner remarked, "Let the writer take up surgery or bricklaying if he is interested in technique. There is no mechanical way to get the writing done, no shortcut. The young writer would be a fool to follow a theory. Teach yourself by your own mistakes; people learn only by error. The good artist believes that nobody is good enough to give him advice. He has supreme vanity. No matter how much he admires the old writer, he wants to beat him"
Friday, February 15, 2008
Park Chan Wook - Citations
Imdb trivia
"I don't feel enjoyment watching films that evoke passivity. If you need that kind of comfort, I don't understand why you wouldn't go to a spa."
"Living without hate for people is almost impossible. There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about revenge. You can have that feeling. You just shouldn't act on it."
"I can see why my films remind people of computer games, but I've never played one. Actually, I was approached by a Japanese designer of a PlayStation game called Metal Gear Solid. When I met him, I found that there was nothing really to talk about. But I was told that I was idolized in the world of computer games."
"...there is one thing that can never be said in Korea. You could never say that the Japanese occupation of Korea had been beneficial. That would create even more hostility than a movie praising North Korea. It would be like telling Jews that the Holocaust didn't exist."
I've always tried not to fall for the lies that say things like 'you can do anything if you have the will' or that 'you're the only one who can carve out your own life.' According to the audience member's beliefs, you could call it the will of God or social systems, or fate; but in the end, what I'm trying to say is the same. And that is, 'Life doesn't go your own way."
Park Chan Wook (réalisateur de Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance ...)
"I don't feel enjoyment watching films that evoke passivity. If you need that kind of comfort, I don't understand why you wouldn't go to a spa."
"Living without hate for people is almost impossible. There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about revenge. You can have that feeling. You just shouldn't act on it."
"I can see why my films remind people of computer games, but I've never played one. Actually, I was approached by a Japanese designer of a PlayStation game called Metal Gear Solid. When I met him, I found that there was nothing really to talk about. But I was told that I was idolized in the world of computer games."
"...there is one thing that can never be said in Korea. You could never say that the Japanese occupation of Korea had been beneficial. That would create even more hostility than a movie praising North Korea. It would be like telling Jews that the Holocaust didn't exist."
I've always tried not to fall for the lies that say things like 'you can do anything if you have the will' or that 'you're the only one who can carve out your own life.' According to the audience member's beliefs, you could call it the will of God or social systems, or fate; but in the end, what I'm trying to say is the same. And that is, 'Life doesn't go your own way."
Park Chan Wook (réalisateur de Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance ...)
WGA - Les effets de la grève
Writers reach tentative deal with producers
A resolution would be good news for the producers. The strike, Hollywood’s longest since 1988 and one that has thrown tens of thousands of people out of work, has shut down production on dozens of television shows (including viewer favorites like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “CSI”), forcing the networks to patch together prime-time schedules with reruns and increased doses of reality shows. Movie studios have been forced to delay some of their feature film plans, including prospective blockbusters like “Angels and Demons,” the sequel to “The Da Vinci Code.”
A resolution would be good news for the producers. The strike, Hollywood’s longest since 1988 and one that has thrown tens of thousands of people out of work, has shut down production on dozens of television shows (including viewer favorites like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “CSI”), forcing the networks to patch together prime-time schedules with reruns and increased doses of reality shows. Movie studios have been forced to delay some of their feature film plans, including prospective blockbusters like “Angels and Demons,” the sequel to “The Da Vinci Code.”
Mike Huckabee, candidat à l'élection présidentielle
“I didn’t major in math. I majored in miracles, and I still believe in them, too.”
Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee
Election Américaine : Un nombre de votant en augmentation
Obama gets convincing wins in three states
In Nebraska, The Omaha World-Herald reported that organizers at two caucus sites had been so overrun by crowds that they abandoned traditional caucusing and asked voters to drop makeshift scrap-paper ballots into a box instead. In Sarpy County, in suburban Omaha, traffic backed up on Highway 370 when thousands of voters showed up at a precinct where organizers had planned for hundreds.
In Washington, the Democratic party reported record-breaking numbers of caucusgoers, with early totals suggesting turnout would be nearly be nearly double what it was in 2004 — itself a record year — when 100,000 Democrats caucused.
In Nebraska, The Omaha World-Herald reported that organizers at two caucus sites had been so overrun by crowds that they abandoned traditional caucusing and asked voters to drop makeshift scrap-paper ballots into a box instead. In Sarpy County, in suburban Omaha, traffic backed up on Highway 370 when thousands of voters showed up at a precinct where organizers had planned for hundreds.
In Washington, the Democratic party reported record-breaking numbers of caucusgoers, with early totals suggesting turnout would be nearly be nearly double what it was in 2004 — itself a record year — when 100,000 Democrats caucused.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mindflesh - Trailer
Trailer for Cronenberg-style horror thriller, MindFlesh staring Christopher Fairbank (Aliens, Batman, Fifth Element), Lucy Liemann (Bourne Ultimatum), Peter Bramhill (Human Traffic) and introducing sexy French actress Carole Derrien.
Trailer for Cronenberg-style horror thriller, MindFlesh staring Christopher Fairbank (Aliens, Batman, Fifth Element), Lucy Liemann (Bourne Ultimatum), Peter Bramhill (Human Traffic) and introducing sexy French actress Carole Derrien.
Monday, February 11, 2008
J.G. Ballard
Interview de JG Ballard
Interview avec l'auteur de Crash, entre autre.
James Graham Ballard (born 15 November 1930 in Shanghai) is a British writer. He was a prominent member of the New Wave in science fiction. His best known books are the controversial Crash, and the autobiographical novel Empire of the Sun, both of which have been adapted to film.
Interview avec l'auteur de Crash, entre autre.
James Graham Ballard (born 15 November 1930 in Shanghai) is a British writer. He was a prominent member of the New Wave in science fiction. His best known books are the controversial Crash, and the autobiographical novel Empire of the Sun, both of which have been adapted to film.
Documentaire sur le lien entre la science et la science fiction
Monsters of the atomic age
26 minute documentary by Geoff Tarulli (pisscubes sur Relapse) exploring nuclear fears of the 50s and how they manifested themselves in the sci-fi movies of the time.
26 minute documentary by Geoff Tarulli (pisscubes sur Relapse) exploring nuclear fears of the 50s and how they manifested themselves in the sci-fi movies of the time.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Def Jux documentary
Un extrait d'un reportage sur le label Def Jux (el-P, Aesop Rock, Mr Lif ...) produit par la télévision allemande.
Aesop Rock - On creation
The fact that I was making music in this indie way was very much based on the fact that I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I like to create shit -- I like to stay up at night and create things and make something out of nothing so that when I wake up I have something to show for yesterday.
Aesop Rock
Aesop Rock
Friday, February 08, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Un mamifère immunisé contre l'acide
Strange creature immune to pain
Curiously, the researchers found that mole rats remained completely insensitive to acids, even with the Substance P genes. This suggests there is a fundamental difference in how their nerves respond to such pain.
"Acid acts on the capsaicin receptor and on another family of receptors called acid-sensitive ion channels," Park said. "Acid is not as specific as capsaicin. The mole rat is the only animal that shows completely no response to acid."
Scientists theorize naked mole rats evolved this insensitivity to acid due to underground living. The rodents exhale high levels of carbon dioxide, and in such tight, poorly ventilated spaces it builds up in tissues, making them more acidic. In response, the mole rats became desensitized to acid.
"We're learning which nerve fibers are important for which kinds of pain, so we'll be able to develop new strategies and targets."
Lewin added, "We really do not understand the molecular mechanism of acid sensing in humans, although it is thought to be pretty important in inflammatory pain. An animal that naturally lacks such a mechanism may help us identify what the mechanism actually is."
Curiously, the researchers found that mole rats remained completely insensitive to acids, even with the Substance P genes. This suggests there is a fundamental difference in how their nerves respond to such pain.
"Acid acts on the capsaicin receptor and on another family of receptors called acid-sensitive ion channels," Park said. "Acid is not as specific as capsaicin. The mole rat is the only animal that shows completely no response to acid."
Scientists theorize naked mole rats evolved this insensitivity to acid due to underground living. The rodents exhale high levels of carbon dioxide, and in such tight, poorly ventilated spaces it builds up in tissues, making them more acidic. In response, the mole rats became desensitized to acid.
"We're learning which nerve fibers are important for which kinds of pain, so we'll be able to develop new strategies and targets."
Lewin added, "We really do not understand the molecular mechanism of acid sensing in humans, although it is thought to be pretty important in inflammatory pain. An animal that naturally lacks such a mechanism may help us identify what the mechanism actually is."
Thursday, January 31, 2008
L'appetit sexuel : Pourquoi et comment ?
No cruise for sex drive
Biologically, researchers have determined a few areas of the brain which influence your sex drive. Structurally, our hypothalamus in the brain assists in the physical response to arousal. If you need an exact location, contact Pillasco, he will provide the brain map and Green Monkey kidney cells! Also, the amygdala, nestled toward the back of your brain, has found to have a correlation of its size to sex drive. Basically, the larger your….um….amygdala, the larger your sexual appetite! Hormones play a large part in your libido. Hormones are heavily influenced by your physical being. When you decide to skip breakfast and starve yourself, besides getting cranky, your libido decreases. Weight gain or weight loss also disrupts your hormone levels.
Such cultural pressures also affect men. The notion that any man who isn't consistently ready to fuck is lacking in the masculine department can make a man question his self-worth if he is not feeling the need for sex or would like to do more stereotypically feminine activities like cuddle, play with flowers or douche. Granted these pressures do not have as much detrimental effects on men as they do on women, however it is still important to examine how gender stereotypes can play in to sexuality and sex drive. There are a few theories that exist examining why men are obsessed with sex. They explain that because men are often socialized to only exhibit a limited amount of emotions publicly, like happiness, anger or lust, their only medium for expressing the many other emotions they experience is through sex. While this seems a little too simplistic to me, it is quite fascinating to think that one of the main reasons for the male sex drive is not because of high levels of testosterone but due to the need to express their emotions in a socially acceptable way.
Biologically, researchers have determined a few areas of the brain which influence your sex drive. Structurally, our hypothalamus in the brain assists in the physical response to arousal. If you need an exact location, contact Pillasco, he will provide the brain map and Green Monkey kidney cells! Also, the amygdala, nestled toward the back of your brain, has found to have a correlation of its size to sex drive. Basically, the larger your….um….amygdala, the larger your sexual appetite! Hormones play a large part in your libido. Hormones are heavily influenced by your physical being. When you decide to skip breakfast and starve yourself, besides getting cranky, your libido decreases. Weight gain or weight loss also disrupts your hormone levels.
Such cultural pressures also affect men. The notion that any man who isn't consistently ready to fuck is lacking in the masculine department can make a man question his self-worth if he is not feeling the need for sex or would like to do more stereotypically feminine activities like cuddle, play with flowers or douche. Granted these pressures do not have as much detrimental effects on men as they do on women, however it is still important to examine how gender stereotypes can play in to sexuality and sex drive. There are a few theories that exist examining why men are obsessed with sex. They explain that because men are often socialized to only exhibit a limited amount of emotions publicly, like happiness, anger or lust, their only medium for expressing the many other emotions they experience is through sex. While this seems a little too simplistic to me, it is quite fascinating to think that one of the main reasons for the male sex drive is not because of high levels of testosterone but due to the need to express their emotions in a socially acceptable way.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Le prix de la célébrité
Your own personal paparazzi
The trend is driven by the twin obsessions with chronicling one's life and experiencing fame. "We live in a culture where if it's not documented, it doesn't exist," says Josh Gamson, a University of San Francisco professor of sociology who studies culture and mass media. "And if you don't have people asking who you are, you're nobody." University of Pennsylvania sociologist David Grazian, who wrote On the Make: The Hustle of Urban Nightlife, calls personal paparazzi reality marketers, who make the act of being photographed more meaningful than the actual photos. "The goal isn't to produce a product," he says. "It's to heighten the experience of the event. In that sense, there doesn't even need to be any film in the camera."
The trend is driven by the twin obsessions with chronicling one's life and experiencing fame. "We live in a culture where if it's not documented, it doesn't exist," says Josh Gamson, a University of San Francisco professor of sociology who studies culture and mass media. "And if you don't have people asking who you are, you're nobody." University of Pennsylvania sociologist David Grazian, who wrote On the Make: The Hustle of Urban Nightlife, calls personal paparazzi reality marketers, who make the act of being photographed more meaningful than the actual photos. "The goal isn't to produce a product," he says. "It's to heighten the experience of the event. In that sense, there doesn't even need to be any film in the camera."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tom Cruise et la Scientologie
Tom Cruise explique le sens de la scientologie pour lui (youtube)
Extrait du monologue :
"We are the authorities on the mind, [...] we can rehabilitate criminals, we are hapiness, we can bring peace and unite cultures."
Extrait du monologue :
"We are the authorities on the mind, [...] we can rehabilitate criminals, we are hapiness, we can bring peace and unite cultures."
Justice ?
Dad takes law into his own hands
When the Arlington father caught his teenage stepson sexually assaulting his 8-year-old daughter late Jan. 2, the 32-year-old man did the right thing -- he called police, investigators say.
The 18-year-old was arrested by Arlington police on suspicion of aggravated sexual assault. The girl was taken to the hospital where an examination revealed she'd been raped anally. And the father issued a stern warning to his wife.
"He didn't want anybody to help [the teen]," said Sgt. Cheryl Johnson, supervisor of the Fort Worth sex crimes unit, adding that the man also stated that he would hurt his stepson.
But unbeknownst to the father, police say, the man's wife posted bond for her son's release from the Arlington Jail. When the teen called home for a ride on the early afternoon of Jan. 3, his stepfather answered the phone and arrived at the jail to pick up the teen.
But the pair didn't go home, investigators say. Instead, the Arlington man reportedly drove his stepson to an abandoned house in east Fort Worth where he delivered his own brand of justice. Police say he severely beat the teen with a baseball bat, then anally raped him with a wrenchlike metal tool.
On Friday, the father turned himself in at the Tarrant County Jail on a warrant for aggravated sexual assault. He was released Saturday after posting a $17,500 bond.
When the Arlington father caught his teenage stepson sexually assaulting his 8-year-old daughter late Jan. 2, the 32-year-old man did the right thing -- he called police, investigators say.
The 18-year-old was arrested by Arlington police on suspicion of aggravated sexual assault. The girl was taken to the hospital where an examination revealed she'd been raped anally. And the father issued a stern warning to his wife.
"He didn't want anybody to help [the teen]," said Sgt. Cheryl Johnson, supervisor of the Fort Worth sex crimes unit, adding that the man also stated that he would hurt his stepson.
But unbeknownst to the father, police say, the man's wife posted bond for her son's release from the Arlington Jail. When the teen called home for a ride on the early afternoon of Jan. 3, his stepfather answered the phone and arrived at the jail to pick up the teen.
But the pair didn't go home, investigators say. Instead, the Arlington man reportedly drove his stepson to an abandoned house in east Fort Worth where he delivered his own brand of justice. Police say he severely beat the teen with a baseball bat, then anally raped him with a wrenchlike metal tool.
On Friday, the father turned himself in at the Tarrant County Jail on a warrant for aggravated sexual assault. He was released Saturday after posting a $17,500 bond.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
La science en marche

Five unbelievably cool research facilities
some incredible beasts have been constructed in the name of research and below are 5 of the most immediately intriguing. there are plenty more out there which will be highlighted in the near future as i’m making this a series of sorts. let me know if you have any in mind for the next collection.
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