Thursday, January 31, 2008

L'appetit sexuel : Pourquoi et comment ?

No cruise for sex drive

Biologically, researchers have determined a few areas of the brain which influence your sex drive. Structurally, our hypothalamus in the brain assists in the physical response to arousal. If you need an exact location, contact Pillasco, he will provide the brain map and Green Monkey kidney cells! Also, the amygdala, nestled toward the back of your brain, has found to have a correlation of its size to sex drive. Basically, the larger your….um….amygdala, the larger your sexual appetite! Hormones play a large part in your libido. Hormones are heavily influenced by your physical being. When you decide to skip breakfast and starve yourself, besides getting cranky, your libido decreases. Weight gain or weight loss also disrupts your hormone levels.


Such cultural pressures also affect men. The notion that any man who isn't consistently ready to fuck is lacking in the masculine department can make a man question his self-worth if he is not feeling the need for sex or would like to do more stereotypically feminine activities like cuddle, play with flowers or douche. Granted these pressures do not have as much detrimental effects on men as they do on women, however it is still important to examine how gender stereotypes can play in to sexuality and sex drive. There are a few theories that exist examining why men are obsessed with sex. They explain that because men are often socialized to only exhibit a limited amount of emotions publicly, like happiness, anger or lust, their only medium for expressing the many other emotions they experience is through sex. While this seems a little too simplistic to me, it is quite fascinating to think that one of the main reasons for the male sex drive is not because of high levels of testosterone but due to the need to express their emotions in a socially acceptable way.

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