Sunday, September 30, 2007


Moebius redux
Un reportage, co produit par Arte, sur le dessinateur Moebius, aka Jean Giraud. Sous titré en anglais.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Suicide par pénétration de crayon dans l'oeil

Suicide by ballpoint pen

An unfortunate, but amazing case: a 25-year-old schizophrenic man shoved a 14.5-cm-long ballpoint pen through his eye socket, all the way to his cerebellum (in the rear of the brain).


Its amazing that, with a 14 cm plastic pen stuck in his brain, the patient was still conscious enough to discuss his injury with hospital staff. What was he thinking as he slowly pushed that pen further and further into his brain?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Warren Ellis' Bad Signal - Nemo

I first encountered the idea of
Monty Cantsin around '88, though
he was created around '77. Monty
Cantsin is a Neoist construct: an
open pop star. Because in '77 they
didn't have the term "open source."
The idea being that artists could
choose to record under the name
Monty Cantsin, thereby generating
a fake oeuvre for a fake pop star,
confusing the fuck out of the
uninitiated. (See also "Karen Eliot,"
"Luther Blissett")

There's no derogatory side to
Monty Cantsin - he doesn't do the
work of, say, Alan Smithee, or
Harlan Ellison's damning Cordwainer
Bird pseudonym (a name he applies
to work that's been fucked over,
allowing him to retain rights and
royalty payments regardless).

Monty Cantsin is an artistic joke.
Anyone can be Monty Cantsin.

And while having a drink or two last
night, the notion came to me: it'd
be amusing if comics had one of
those. If music has a Monty Cantsin,
maybe comics should have a
Nemo Woodbine. An open source
comics creator. Sometimes she's
a cartoonist. Sometimes he's a

And the best thing about Nemo
Woodbine might be that she's
granted her copyright and royalties
in perpetuity to the Comic Book
Legal Defense Fund or something.
Anything he earns beyond his page
rate, and the rights to whatever
she did, live with the Fund: her
gift to the medium.

Just throwing the idea out there for
someone to do something with, or

Friday, September 21, 2007

This is youtube material

The monkey-hanging legend is the most famous story connected with Hartlepool. During the Napoleonic Wars a French ship was wrecked off the Hartlepool coast.

During the Napoleonic Wars there was a fear of a French invasion of Britain and much public concern about the possibility of French infiltrators and spies.

The fishermen of Hartlepool fearing an invasion kept a close watch on the French vessel as it struggled against the storm but when the vessel was severely battered and sunk they turned their attention to the wreckage washed ashore. Among the wreckage lay one wet and sorrowful looking survivor, the ship's pet monkey dressed to amuse in a military style uniform.

The fishermen apparently questioned the monkey and held a beach-based trial. Unfamiliar with what a Frenchman looked like they came to the conclusion that this monkey was a French spy and should be sentenced to death. The unfortunate creature was to die by hanging, with the mast of a fishing boat (a coble) providing a convenient gallows

Cette charmante anecdote concerne la même ville où cet autre fait divers a eu lieu

Man urinates on dying woman declaring it youtube material

Shouting, "This is YouTube material!" a 27-year-old British man urinated on a dying woman who had collapsed on the street, the BBC and local Hartepool Mail and Northern Echo tell us. He also doused her with a bucket of water and covered her with shaving cream.

The woman, 50-year-old Christine Lakinski, died at the scene of pancreatic failure.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hunter S Thompson - Son influence

Hunter S Thompson films
Un symposium, résumé en 19 videos, sur l'effet de Hunter S Thompson sur le journalisme et la politique américaine.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Des livres sculptés

Brian Dettmer - Book autopsies
Cet artiste sculpte des livres pour réveller les illustrations intérieurs. Très très impressionant.

Richard Dawkins on Book Club

Richard Dawkins - Interview
Parce que je suis un fan boy et que, sérieusement, le type est interessant a écouter.

Jesus camp

Jesus Camp
Un reportage sur un camp de chrétien qui apprend la religion aux enfants.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Comment finissent les super tankers ?

End of the line
Un photo reportage au Bangladesh sur le desassemblage de super tankers.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hilary Clinton milite pour un système de santé plus efficace

Clinton calls for universal health care

She called for a requirement for businesses to obtain insurance for employees, and said the wealthy should pay higher taxes to help defray the cost for those less able to pay for it. She put the government's cost at $110 billion a year.


Addressing a crowd at a medical center in the early voting state of Iowa, Clinton laid out her proposal, with the centerpiece a so-called "individual mandate," requiring everyone to have health insurance - just as most states require drivers to purchase auto insurance. Rival John Edwards has also offered a plan that includes an individual mandate, while the proposal outlined by Barack Obama does not.

Clinton's plan builds on the existing employer-based system of coverage. People who receive insurance through the workplace could continue to do so; businesses, in turn, would be required to offer insurance to employees, or contribute to a government-run pool that would help pay for those not covered. Clinton would also offer a tax subsidy to small businesses to help them afford the cost of providing coverage to their workers.


Her speech came nearly 14 years after her first attempt at a universal healthcare plan that was highly criticized by Republicans as a socialized medical plan that eventually fell apart and left a stain on the former First Lady's record, reports CBS News reporter Fernando Suarez. Despite her failed attempt in 1993 Clinton assured the crowd of about 150 doctors, nurses and patients that she grew from her experience.


Hidden elements - the dark side of alternate reality games

Post modern apocalypse - Another look at how to market the apocalypse

Post modern times

Welcome to Postmodern Times, a series of short animated films presenting new ideas about global consciousness and techniques for social and ecological transformation. Our first episode, "Toward 2012", introduces the project, explaining concepts from the best-selling book, "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl" (Tarcher/Penguin, 2006) by Daniel Pinchbeck, in the author's own voice. Future segments will focus on shamanism, sustainability, alternative energy systems, the Mayan Calendar, quantum physics and synchronicity, human sexuality, and a host of other subjects. We are currently looking for investors to take this project forward.

Bruce Sterling - Mediadefender 0 - Hackers 1

Seven hundred megabytes of leaked internal email

Peer-to-peer (P2P) poisoning company MediaDefender suffered an embarrassing leak this weekend, when almost 700MB of internal company e-mail was distributed on the Internet via BitTorrent.

"The e-mails reveal many aspects of MediaDefender's elaborate P2P disruption strategies, illuminate previously undisclosed details about the MiiVi scandal, and bring to light details regarding MediaDefender's collaboration with the New York Attorney General's office on a secret law enforcement project.


I wanted to link to, where Media Defender was instructed to track down and block the Nine Inch Nails Year Zero torrents, and that included ftp data to Interscope servers as a way to illustrate the fantabulous trainwreckery that is this case.

Alterati - Débat entre deux théoriciens branché UFO

War of the future worlds

The gist of Daniel’s argument is that one can never know for sure what is going to happen in the future, and our thoughts create reality, so that promoting negative future scenarios instead of more healthy and positive ones is irresponsible, especially when one has a platform that reaches as many as Whitley’s.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Plusieurs liens

Modern day Da vinci
Un homme qui réalise des machines en bois fonctionnant sur le mouvement perpetuel et dont le but est d'en construire qui pourrait avancer eternellement.

Z Machine - Wikipedia
The Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. It is operated by Sandia National Laboratories to gather data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons. The Z machine is located at Sandia's main site in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

La situation desastreuse du Zimbabwe continue et risque de continuer

Zimbabwe's precarious survival

It is a situation that suits the governments on both sides.

Among the refugees, there are doctors, engineers, agricultural experts, just the kind of people who are needed by South Africa's growing economy

Zimbabweans have long since given up hope that the South African leader - Thabo Mbeki - will put pressure on his old friend, Robert Mugabe, to reform.

And as for Robert Mugabe, an opposition politician in Harare says: "This makes him a very, very happy dictator.

"He gets rid of his opponents and they in turn send back money to their families in Zimbabwe and that keeps things ticking over."

Anyone expecting a swift conclusion to Zimbabwe's agony will be disappointed.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The other side of outsourcing - Thomas Friedman

The other side of outsourcing sur youtube
Un reportage de the Discovery Channel par Thomas Friedman (auteur de the World is flat) que Wikipedia définit comme tel :
In "The Other Side of Outsourcing" (2004), he visited a call center in Bangalore, interviewing the young Indians working there, and then traveled to an impoverished rural part of India, where he debated the pros and cons of globalization with locals (this trip spawned his eventual bestselling book "The World is Flat").