Friday, May 11, 2007

Qui est Gordon Brown (le successeur de Tony Blair)

What is Brown likely to do as a PM ?

On a personal level, he is regularly caricatured as a private, introspective, moody and self-sufficient individual whose ideal team consists of just one and who, when crossed, bears a grudge.

That impression has not been helped by remarks from colleagues such as former Home Secretary Charles Clarke who spoke of his psychological issues and inability, or refusal, to work with others.


In an attempt to dispel some of that image, Mr Brown has undergone a voluntary makeover of late.

He has a near-permanent smile on his face, and has been ready and even eager to talk about his family life and personal tragedies, such as the loss of his first child - again referred to during his campaign launch.


He hinted at the possibility of introducing a written constitution to underpin all that is best about the country's shared beliefs and values.

Although he made it clear that, while his first big policy will be centred on restoring trust in politicians, a written constitution may be some way away.


What is now clearer than ever, however, is his style will be different, his Cabinet team will be different and there will undoubtedly be surprises aimed at reinvigorating Labour as it prepares to face the growing threat from David Cameron's Conservatives at the next General Election.

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