Thursday, January 11, 2007

Un nouveau dirigeant a la tête des operations americaines en Irak

the Bush plans and the Petraeus doctrine (BBC)

Afin de calmer la situation en Irak, le général Petraeus propose dans un document de nombreuses mises en garde et consignes pour les soldats :
His document goes into tremendous detail, down to the importance of where an interpreter should stand (next to the person you are questioning), how much local police should be paid (enough to minimise the risk of corruption) and even instructions to US soldiers not to fraternise too much with local children (they could be at risk, insurgents are watching).

Autre citation a retenir :
"Some of the best weapons do not shoot."

On dirait que quelqu'un a relut "l'Art de la Guerre" de Sun Tzu.

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